Thursday, December 27, 2012

1212.5805 (Ulrich Nierste)

B Mixing in the Standard Model and Beyond    [PDF]

Ulrich Nierste

1212.5893 (Abhijit Bhattacharyya et al.)

Thermodynamic Properties of Strongly Interacting Matter in Finite Volume
using Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

Abhijit Bhattacharyya, Paramita Deb, Sanjay K. Ghosh, Rajarshi Ray, Subrata Sur

1212.5899 (Shinji Ejiri et al.)

Endpoint of first order phase transition in many flavor lattice QCD at
finite temperature and density

Shinji Ejiri, Norikazu Yamada

1212.5907 (Ignazio Bombaci et al.)

A link between measured neutron star masses and lattice QCD data    [PDF]

Ignazio Bombaci, Domenico Logoteta

1212.5931 (N. H. Christ et al.)

Long distance contribution to the KL-KS mass difference    [PDF]

N. H. Christ, T. Izubuchi, C. T. Sachrajda, A. Soni, J. Yu

1212.6134 (Abhijit Bhattacharyya et al.)

Isospin symmetry breaking and baryon-isospin correlations from
Polyakov$-$Nambu$-$Jona-Lasinio model

Abhijit Bhattacharyya, Sanjay K. Ghosh, Anirban Lahiri, Sarbani Majumder, Sibaji Raha, Rajarshi Ray

1212.6185 (Vadim Demchik et al.)

Spontaneous generation of chromomagnetic fields at finite temperature in
the SU(3) gluodynamics on a lattice

Vadim Demchik, Alexey Gulov, Natalia Kolomoyets

1212.6190 (Richard Brower et al.)

Lattice Radial Quantization: 3D Ising    [PDF]

Richard Brower, George Fleming, Herbert Neuberger

Monday, December 24, 2012

1212.5308 (Jiunn-Wei Chen et al.)

Shear and Bulk Viscosities of a Weakly Coupled Quark Gluon Plasma with
Finite Chemical Potential and Temperature---Leading-Log Results

Jiunn-Wei Chen, Yen-Fu Liu, Yu-Kun Song, Qun Wang

1212.5369 (Jon A. Bailey et al.)

Taste non-Goldstone, flavor-charged pseudo-Goldstone boson decay
constants in staggered chiral perturbation theory

Jon A. Bailey, Weonjong Lee, Boram Yoon

1212.5470 (E. D. Freeland et al.)

Neutral B mixing from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD    [PDF]

E. D. Freeland, C. M. Bouchard, C. Bernard, A. X. El-Khadra, E. Gamiz, A. S. Kronfeld, J. Laiho, R. S. Van de Water

1212.5507 (R. Horsley et al.)

Octet baryon mass splittings from up-down quark mass differences    [PDF]

R. Horsley, J. Najjar, Y. Nakamura, D. Pleiter, P. E. L. Rakow, G. Schierholz, J. M. Zanotti

1212.5514 (Nikos Irges et al.)

Higgs mechanism near the 5d bulk phase transition    [PDF]

Nikos Irges, Francesco Knechtli, Kyoko Yoneyama

1212.5542 (Thomas Blum et al.)

Error reduction technique using covariant approximation and application
to nucleon form factor

Thomas Blum, Taku Izubuchi, Eigo Shintani

1212.5544 (Stephan Narison)

Revisiting f_B and m_b(m_b) from HQET spectral sum rules    [PDF]

Stephan Narison

Friday, December 21, 2012

1109.2608 (Evan Thomas et al.)

Topological Susceptibility and Contact Term in QCD. A Toy Model    [PDF]

Evan Thomas, Ariel R. Zhitnitsky

1212.4889 (Rajan Gupta et al.)

Probing novel TeV physics through precision calculations of scalar and
tensor charges of the nucleon

Rajan Gupta, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Anosh Joseph, Saul D. Cohen, Huey-Wen Lin

1212.4896 (Sinya Aoki et al.)

Construction of energy-independent potentials above inelastic thresholds
in quantum field theories

Sinya Aoki, Bruno Charron, Takumi Doi, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Takashi Inoue, Noriyoshi Ishii

1212.4918 (Tanmoy Bhattacharya et al.)

Neutron Electric Dipole Moment from Beyond the Standard Model    [PDF]

Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Vincenzo Cirigliano, Rajan Gupta

1212.4919 (Daisuke Kadoh et al.)

One dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with 16 supercharges    [PDF]

Daisuke Kadoh, Syo Kamata

1212.4993 (A. Bazavov et al.)

Kaon semileptonic vector form factor and determination of |V_{us}| using
staggered fermions

A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. M. Bouchard, C. DeTar, Daping Du, A. X. El-Khadra, J. Foley, E. D. Freeland, E. Gámiz, Steven Gottlieb, U. M. Heller, Jongjeong Kim, A. S. Kronfeld, J. Laiho, L. Levkova, P. B. Mackenzie, E. T. Neil, M. B. Oktay, Si-Wei Qiu, J. N. Simone, R. Sugar, D. Toussaint, R. S. Van de Water, Ran Zhou

1212.5055 (C. B. Lang et al.)

Scattering in the pion-nucleon negative parity channel in lattice QCD    [PDF]

C. B. Lang, V. Verduci

1212.5221 (Mario Schröck et al.)

Coulomb, Landau and Maximally Abelian Gauge Fixing in Lattice QCD with

Mario Schröck, Hannes Vogt

1212.5231 (Gert Aarts et al.)

Stability of complex Langevin dynamics in effective models    [PDF]

Gert Aarts, Frank A. James, Jan M. Pawlowski, Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty, Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu

1212.5236 (Robert G. Edwards et al.)

The Flavor Structure of the Excited Baryon Spectra from Lattice QCD    [PDF]

Robert G. Edwards, Nilmani Mathur, David G. Richards, Stephen J. Wallace

Thursday, December 20, 2012

1212.4508 (Richard J. Hill et al.)

The NRQED lagrangian at order 1/M^4    [PDF]

Richard J. Hill, Gabriel Lee, Gil Paz, Mikhail P. Solon

1212.4573 (Waseem Kamleh)

GPUs: An Oasis in the Supercomputing Desert    [PDF]

Waseem Kamleh

1212.4642 (Eric Endress et al.)

Contribution of the charm quark to the ΔI=1/2 rule    [PDF]

Eric Endress, Carlos Pena

1212.4668 (Benjamin J. Owen et al.)

Variational Approach to the Calculation of gA    [PDF]

Benjamin J. Owen, Jack Dragos, Waseem Kamleh, Derek B. Leinweber, M. Selim Mahbub, Benjamin J. Menadue, James M. Zanotti

1212.4723 (Elvira Gamiz)

B-meson decay constants and mixing on the lattice    [PDF]

Elvira Gamiz

1212.4768 (The MILC Collaboration et al.)

Lattice QCD ensembles with four flavors of highly improved staggered

The MILC Collaboration, A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. DeTar, W. Freeman, Steven Gottlieb, U. M. Heller, J. E. Hetrick, J. Komijani, J. Laiho, L. Levkova, J. Osborn, R. L. Sugar, D. Toussaint, R. S. Van de Water, Ran Zhou

1212.4784 (I. Campos et al.)

Phenomenology Tools on Cloud Infrastructures using OpenStack    [PDF]

I. Campos, E. Fernandez del Castillo, S. Heinemeyer, A. Lopez-Garcia, F. v. d. Pahlen

1212.4827 (William Detmold et al.)

Lambda_b -> Lambda l+ l- form factors and differential branching
fraction from lattice QCD

William Detmold, C. -J. David Lin, Stefan Meinel, Matthew Wingate

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

1212.4181 (Evgeny Epelbaum et al.)

The fate of carbon-based life as a function of the light quark mass    [PDF]

Evgeny Epelbaum, Hermann Krebs, Timo A. Lähde, Dean Lee, Ulf-G. Meißner

1212.4200 (Bastian B. Brandt et al.)

Thermal Correlators in the ρ channel of two-flavor QCD    [PDF]

Bastian B. Brandt, Anthony Francis, Harvey B. Meyer, Hartmut Wittig

1212.4230 (Takashi Inoue et al.)

Study of H-dibaryon mass in Lattice QCD    [PDF]

Takashi Inoue, for HAL QCD Collaboration

1212.4278 (Christian Schmidt)

Baryon number and charge fluctuations from lattice QCD    [PDF]

Christian Schmidt

1212.4283 (Christian Schmidt)

QCD bulk thermodynamics and conserved charge fluctuations with HISQ

Christian Schmidt

1212.4343 (Y. Iwasaki)

Conformal Window and Correlation Functions in Lattice Conformal QCD    [PDF]

Y. Iwasaki

1212.4368 (G. Aarts et al.)

Bottomonium from lattice QCD as a probe of the Quark-Gluon Plasma    [PDF]

G. Aarts, C. Allton, A. Kelly, J. -I. Skullerud, S. Kim, T. Harris, S. M. Ryan, M. P. Lombardo, M. B. Oktay, D. K. Sinclair

1212.4413 (Matthias Berwein et al.)

Renormalization of the cyclic Wilson loop    [PDF]

Matthias Berwein, Nora Brambilla, Jacopo Ghiglieri, Antonio Vairo

1212.4471 (Diogo Boito et al.)

Low-energy constants and condensates from the tau hadronic spectral

Diogo Boito, Maarten Golterman, Matthias Jamin, Kim Maltman, Santiago Peris

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

1212.3737 (Thomas Schweigler et al.)

Colorful SU(2) center vortices in the continuum and on the lattice    [PDF]

Thomas Schweigler, Roman Höllwieser, Manfried Faber, Urs M. Heller

1212.3770 (Christof Gattringer et al.)

Spectroscopy in finite density lattice field theory: An exploratory
study in the relativistic Bose gas

Christof Gattringer, Thomas Kloiber

1212.3800 (Alberto Ramos)

Playing with the kinetic term in the HMC    [PDF]

Alberto Ramos

1212.3818 (Yan Zhu et al.)

The shear channel spectral function in hot Yang-Mills theory    [PDF]

Yan Zhu, Aleksi Vuorinen

1212.3835 (Antonio González-Arroyo et al.)

The string tension for Large N gauge theory from smeared Wilson loops    [PDF]

Antonio González-Arroyo, Masanori Okawa

1212.3892 (Nihar Ranjan Sahoo et al.)

Higher moments of the net-charge multiplicity distributions at RHIC
energies in STAR

Nihar Ranjan Sahoo, for the STAR Collaboration

1212.3894 (Umut Gursoy et al.)

The Chern-Simons Diffusion Rate in Improved Holographic QCD    [PDF]

Umut Gursoy, Ioannis Iatrakis, Elias Kiritsis, Francesco Nitti, Andy O'Bannon

1212.4061 (Gernot Akemann et al.)

Finite volume corrections to LECs in Wilson and staggered ChPT    [PDF]

Gernot Akemann, Fabrizio Pucci

1212.4109 (M. D. Schulz et al.)

Topological Phase Transitions in the Golden String-Net Model    [PDF]

M. D. Schulz, S. Dusuel, K. P. Schmidt, J. Vidal

Friday, December 14, 2012

1212.3118 (Yu. A. Simonov)

Magnetic test of chiral dynamics in QCD    [PDF]

Yu. A. Simonov

1212.3168 (M. N. Chernodub et al.)

On chromoelectric (super)conductivity of the Yang-Mills vacuum    [PDF]

M. N. Chernodub, Jos Van Doorsselaere, Tigran Kalaydzhyan, Henri Verschelde

1212.3188 (Peter A. Boyle et al.)

Kaon semileptonic decays near the physical point    [PDF]

Peter A. Boyle, Jonathan M. Flynn, Andreas Jüttner, Christopher Sachrajda, Karthee Sivalingam, James M. Zanotti

1212.3189 (V. Azcoiti et al.)

Geometric representation of the 2D Antiferromagnetic Ising Model with
topological term at θ=π

V. Azcoiti, G. Cortese, E. Follana, M. Giordano

1212.3198 (O. Borisenko et al.)

Phase structure of 3D Z(N) lattice gauge theories at finite temperature    [PDF]

O. Borisenko, V. Chelnokov, G. Cortese, M. Gravina, A. Papa, I. Surzhikov

1212.3206 (Michela D'Onofrio et al.)

The sphaleron rate at the electroweak crossover with 125 GeV Higgs mass    [PDF]

Michela D'Onofrio, Kari Rummukainen, Anders Tranberg

1212.3235 (Meifeng Lin et al.)

Finite-size scaling in nucleon axial charge from 2+1-flavor DWF lattice

Meifeng Lin, Shigemi Ohta, for the RBC, UKQCD Collaborations

Thursday, December 13, 2012

1212.2814 (Masanori Hanada)

Monte Carlo approach to the string/M-theory    [PDF]

Masanori Hanada

1212.2835 (Akihiro Shibata et al.)

Gluon propagators in the deep IR region and non-Abelian dual
superconductivity for SU(3) Yang-Mills

Akihiro Shibata, Kei-Ichi Kondo, Seikou Kato, Toru Shinohara

1212.2839 (Alessandro Bisio et al.)

Quantum Field as a Quantum Cellular Automaton I: the Dirac free
evolution in one dimension

Alessandro Bisio, Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano, Alessandro Tosini

1212.2849 (T. C. Hammant et al.)

Radiative improvement of spin and Darwin terms in the NRQCD action    [PDF]

T. C. Hammant, A. G. Hart, G. M. von Hippel, R. R. Horgan, C. J. Monahan

1212.2871 (Nicolas Garron et al.)

Weak Matrix Elements of Beyond the Standard Model $Δs=2$
four-quark operators from nf=2+1 Domain-Wall fermions

Nicolas Garron, Peter A Boyle, Renwick J Hudspith, Andrew T Lytle

1212.2875 (Tomasz Korzec et al.)

Simulating the All-Order Strong Coupling Expansion V: Ising Gauge Theory    [PDF]

Tomasz Korzec, Ulli Wolff

1212.2927 (Saumen Datta et al.)

Nucleons near the QCD deconfinement transition    [PDF]

Saumen Datta, Sourendu Gupta, Padmanath M., Nilmani Mathur, Jyotirmoy Maiti

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

1106.2809 (Andreas Stergiou)

The chet package    [PDF]

Andreas Stergiou

1212.1757 (Richard C. Brower et al.)

Radial Quantization for Conformal Field Theories on the Lattice    [PDF]

Richard C. Brower, George T. Fleming, Herbert Neuberger

1212.1855 (X. -L. Ren et al.)

Quark mass dependence of the ground-state octet baryons in
next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order covariant baryon chiral perturbation

X. -L. Ren, L. S. Geng, J. Martin Camalich, J. Meng, H. Toki

1212.1963 (Thomas Primer et al.)

Magnetic properties of the neutron in a uniform background field    [PDF]

Thomas Primer, Waseem Kamleh, Derek Leinweber, Matthias Burkardt

1212.2032 (Georg P. Engel et al.)

Low-lying Lambda Baryons from the Lattice    [PDF]

Georg P. Engel, C. B. Lang, Andreas Schäfer

1212.2039 (Andre Sternbeck et al.)

Determination of LambdaMS from the gluon and ghost propagators in Landau

Andre Sternbeck, Kim Maltman, Michael Müller-Preussker, Lorenz von Smekal

1212.2141 (Takuya Kanazawa et al.)

Singular values of the Dirac operator at nonzero density    [PDF]

Takuya Kanazawa, Tilo Wettig, Naoki Yamamoto

1212.2184 (Kouji Kashiwa et al.)

Quark back reaction to deconfinement transition via gluon propagators    [PDF]

Kouji Kashiwa, Yu Maezawa

Monday, December 10, 2012

1212.1474 (P. A. Boyle et al.)

Emerging understanding of the ΔI = 1/2 Rule from Lattice QCD    [PDF]

P. A. Boyle, N. H. Christ, N. Garron, E. J. Goode, T. Janowski, C. Lehner, Q. Liu, A. T. Lytle, C. T. Sachrajda, A. Soni, D. Zhang, for the RBC Collaboration, for the UKQCD Collaboration

1212.1503 (Gabriel Wlazłowski et al.)

Cooper pairing above the critical temperature in a unitary Fermi gas    [PDF]

Gabriel Wlazłowski, Piotr Magierski, Joaquín E. Drut, Aurel Bulgac, Kenneth J. Roche

1212.1533 (Mitsuhiro Kato et al.)

Leibniz rule, locality and supersymmetry on lattice    [PDF]

Mitsuhiro Kato, Makoto Sakamoto, Hiroto So

1212.1568 (Sinya Aoki et al.)

Chiral symmetry restoration and eigenvalue density of Dirac operator    [PDF]

Sinya Aoki, Hidenori Fukaya, Yusuke Taniguchi

1212.1572 (Takumi Doi et al.)

Nuclear physics from lattice simulations    [PDF]

Takumi Doi, for HAL QCD Collaboration

1212.1594 (Philipp Gubler et al.)

Modification of hadronic spectral functions under extreme conditions: An
approach based on QCD sum rules and the maximum entropy method

Philipp Gubler, Kei Suzuki, Kenji Morita, Makoto Oka

1212.1606 (Takumi Doi et al.)

Few-baryon interactions from lattice QCD    [PDF]

Takumi Doi, for HAL QCD Collaboration

1212.1648 (Marc Wagner et al.)

Scalar mesons and tetraquarks by means of lattice QCD    [PDF]

Marc Wagner, Constantia Alexandrou, Jan Oliver Daldrop, Mattia Dalla Brida, Mario Gravina, Luigi Scorzato, Carsten Urbach, Christian Wiese

Friday, December 7, 2012

1212.1215 (T. Umeda et al.)

Thermodynamics in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks by the
fixed scale approach

T. Umeda, S. Aoki, S. Ejiri, T. Hatsuda, K. Kanaya, Y. Maezawa, H. Ohno

1212.1238 (Erich Poppitz et al.)

Universal mechanism of (semi-classical) deconfinement and
theta-dependence for all simple groups

Erich Poppitz, Thomas Schaefer, Mithat Unsal

1212.1353 (Etsuko Itou)

Properties of the twisted Polyakov loop coupling and the infrared fixed
point in the SU(3) gauge theory

Etsuko Itou

1212.1376 (Gennady Voronov)

Two-Color Schrodinger Functional with Six-Flavors of Stout-Smeared
Wilson Fermions

Gennady Voronov

1212.1418 (Constantia Alexandrou et al.)

Lattice investigation of the scalar mesons a_0(980) and κ using
four-quark operators

Constantia Alexandrou, Jan Oliver Daldrop, Mattia Dalla Brida, Mario Gravina, Luigi Scorzato, Carsten Urbach, Marc Wagner

Thursday, December 6, 2012

1212.0890 (Yoshiyuki Nakagawa et al.)

Phase structure of finite density QCD with a histogram method    [PDF]

Yoshiyuki Nakagawa, Sinya Aoki, Shinji Ejiri, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Kazuyuki Kanaya, Hiroshi Ohno, Hana Saito, Takashi Umeda

1212.0947 (Mirzayusuf Musakhanov)

QCD in Infrared Region and Spontaneous Breaking of the Chiral Symmetry    [PDF]

Mirzayusuf Musakhanov

1212.0955 (Kohtaroh Miura et al.)

Lattice Monte-Carlo study of pre-conformal dynamics in strongly
flavoured QCD in the light of the chiral phase transition at finite

Kohtaroh Miura, Maria Paola Lombardo

1212.0982 (Florian Burger et al.)

Pseudo-Critical Temperature and Thermal Equation of State from $N_f=2$
Twisted Mass Lattice QCD

Florian Burger, Malik Kirchner, Michael Müller-Preussker, Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz, Maria-Paola Lombardo, Owe Philipsen, Christopher Pinke, Lars Zeidlewicz

1212.1003 (M. A. L. Capri et al.)

Semiclassical analysis of the phases of 4d SU(2) Higgs gauge systems
with cutoff at the Gribov horizon

M. A. L. Capri, D. Dudal, A. J. Gomez, M. S. Guimaraes, I. F. Justo, S. P. Sorella

1212.1051 (O. Borisenko et al.)

BKT phase transitions in strongly coupled 3D Z(N) LGT at finite

O. Borisenko, V. Chelnokov, G. Cortese, R. Fiore, M. Gravina, A. Papa, I. Surzhikov

1212.1102 (R. Aouane et al.)

Landau gauge gluon and ghost propagators from lattice QCD with Nf=2
twisted mass fermions at finite temperature

R. Aouane, F. Burger, E. -M. Ilgenfritz, M. Muller-Preussker, A. Sternbeck

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

1212.0053 (Gregory Petropoulos et al.)

MCRG study of 8 and 12 fundamental flavors    [PDF]

Gregory Petropoulos, Anqi Cheng, Anna Hasenfratz, David Schaich

1212.0072 (K. Nagata et al.)

Low temperature limit of lattice QCD    [PDF]

K. Nagata, A. Nakamura, S. Motoki

1212.0073 (Y. Namekawa et al.)

Charmed baryon spectroscopy on the physical point in 2+1 flavor lattice

Y. Namekawa, for the PACS-CS collaboration

1212.0091 (Diogo Boito et al.)

The strong coupling from tau decays without prejudice    [PDF]

Diogo Boito, Maarten Golterman, Matthias Jamin, Andisheh Mahdavi, Kim Maltman, James Osborne, Santiago Peris

1212.0219 (Georg Bergner et al.)

Blocking-inspired supersymmetric actions: a status report    [PDF]

Georg Bergner, Falk Bruckmann, Yoshio Echigo, Yuji Igarashi, Jan M. Pawlowski, Sebastian Schierenberg

1212.0227 (Andrew T. Lytle et al.)

Non-perturbative Renormalization of Improved Staggered Bilinears    [PDF]

Andrew T. Lytle, Stephen R. Sharpe

1212.0234 (Jianglei Yu)

Lattice Calculation of the $K_L$-$K_S$ mass difference    [PDF]

Jianglei Yu

1212.0275 (Daniel Trewartha et al.)

The Influence of Instantons on the Quark Propagator    [PDF]

Daniel Trewartha, Waseem Kamleh, Derek Leinweber, Peter Moran

1212.0301 (N. Carrasco et al.)

B-physics from lattice QCD...with a twist    [PDF]

N. Carrasco, P. Dimopoulos, R. Frezzotti, V. Gimenez, G. Herdoiza, V. Lubicz, G. Martinelli, C. Michael, D. Palao, G. C. Rossi, F. Sanfilippo, A. Shindler, S. Simula, C. Tarantino

1212.0403 (Martin Kalinowski et al.)

Strange and charm meson masses from twisted mass lattice QCD    [PDF]

Martin Kalinowski, Marc Wagner

1212.0535 (Barak Bringoltz et al.)

Large-N reduction with adjoint Wilson fermions    [PDF]

Barak Bringoltz, Mateusz Koren, Stephen R. Sharpe

1212.0565 (Gunnar Bali et al.)

Charmed hadron spectroscopy on the lattice for $N_f=2+1$ flavours    [PDF]

Gunnar Bali, Sara Collins, Paula Pérez-Rubio

1212.0569 (Piotr Korcyl et al.)

Screening in two-dimensional gauge theories    [PDF]

Piotr Korcyl, Mateusz Koren

1212.0579 (W. Bietenholz et al.)

Topological Lattice Actions for the 2d XY Model    [PDF]

W. Bietenholz, M. Bögli, F. Niedermayer, M. Pepe, F. G. Rejón-Barrera, U. -J. Wiese

1212.0586 (Heechang Na et al.)

Precise Determinations of the Decay Constants of B and D mesons    [PDF]

Heechang Na, Chris Monahan, Christine Davies, Eduardo Follana, Ron Horgan, Peter Lepage, Junko Shigemitsu

1212.0613 (A. Bazavov et al.)

Two-point Correlator Fits on HISQ Ensembles    [PDF]

A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. Bouchard, C. DeTar, D. Du, A. X. El-Khadra, J. Foley, E. D. Freeland, E. Gamiz, Steven Gottlieb, U. M. Heller, J. E. Hetrick, J. Kim, A. S. Kronfeld, J. Laiho, L. Levkova, M. Lightman, P. B. Mackenzie, E. T. Neil, M. Oktay, J. N. Simone, R. L. Sugar, D. Toussaint, R. S. Van de Water, R. Zhou, for the Fermilab Lattice Collaboration, for the MILC Collaboration

1212.0635 (Enrico Rinaldi et al.)

Scaling properties of SU(2) gauge theory with mixed fundamental-adjoint

Enrico Rinaldi, Giuseppe Lacagnina, Biagio Lucini, Agostino Patella, Antonio Rago

1212.0644 (A. P. Bakulev et al.)

Emphasizing the different trends of the existing data for the
$γ^*γ\to π^0$ transition form factor

A. P. Bakulev, S. V. Mikhailov, A. V. Pimikov, N. G. Stefanis

1212.0709 (A. E. Dorokhov et al.)

The meson-exchange induced light--by--light contribution to $(g-2)_μ$
within the nonlocal chiral quark model

A. E. Dorokhov, A. E. Radzhabov, A. S. Zhevlakov

1212.0717 (Abhishek Chowdhury et al.)

Pion and nucleon in two flavour QCD with unimproved Wilson fermions    [PDF]

Abhishek Chowdhury, Asit K. De, Sangita De Sarkar, A. Harindranath, Jyotirmoy Maiti, Santanu Mondal, Anwesa Sarkar

1212.0762 (S. Ejiri et al.)

Probability distribution functions in the finite density lattice QCD    [PDF]

S. Ejiri, Y. Nakagawa, S. Aoki, K. Kanaya, H. Saito, T. Hatsuda, H. Ohno, T. Umeda

1212.0785 (Frank Winter)

Gauge Field Generation on Large-Scale GPU-Enabled Systems    [PDF]

Frank Winter

1212.0830 (Jozef J. Dudek et al.)

Energy dependence of the ρ resonance in ππ elastic
scattering from lattice QCD

Jozef J. Dudek, Robert G. Edwards, Christopher E. Thomas

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

1102.4530 (F. Burger et al.)

The thermal QCD transition with two flavours of twisted mass fermions    [PDF]

F. Burger, E. -M. Ilgenfritz, M. Kirchner, M. P. Lombardo, M. Muller-Preussker, O. Philipsen, C. Pinke, C. Urbach, L. Zeidlewicz

Friday, November 30, 2012

1211.6795 (Yoshiaki Koma et al.)

Heavy quarkonium spectroscopy in pNRQCD with lattice QCD input    [PDF]

Yoshiaki Koma, Miho Koma

1211.6844 (Masazumi Honda et al.)

Monte Carlo studies of 3d N=6 SCFT via localization method    [PDF]

Masazumi Honda, Masanori Hanada, Yoshinori Honma, Jun Nishimura, Shotaro Shiba, Yutaka Yoshida

1211.6947 (Chen Chen et al.)

On the decoupling of mirror fermions    [PDF]

Chen Chen, Joel Giedt, Erich Poppitz

1211.6966 (Christopher Monahan et al.)

Matching lattice and continuum axial-vector and vector currents with
NRQCD and HISQ quarks

Christopher Monahan, Junko Shigemitsu, Ron Horgan

1211.6999 (Tatsuhiro Misumi)

New fermion discretizations and their applications    [PDF]

Tatsuhiro Misumi

1211.7048 (Swagato Mukherjee)

Freeze-out Conditions from Lattice QCD    [PDF]

Swagato Mukherjee

Thursday, November 29, 2012

1211.6125 (Daniel Arean et al.)

V-QCD: Spectra, the dilaton and the S-parameter    [PDF]

Daniel Arean, Ioannis Iatrakis, Matti Jarvinen, Elias Kiritsis

1211.6495 (Eigo Shintani et al.)

Chiral symmetry breaking in lattice brane QED model    [PDF]

Eigo Shintani, Tetsuya Onogi

1211.6577 (C. McNeile et al.)

Direct determination of the strange and light quark condensates from
full lattice QCD

C. McNeile, A. Bazavov, C. T. H. Davies, R. J. Dowdall, K. Hornbostel, G. P. Lepage, H. D. Trottier

1211.6651 (Yasumichi Aoki et al.)

Low energy spectra in many flavor QCD with Nf=12 and 16    [PDF]

Yasumichi Aoki, Tatsumi Aoyama, Masafumi Kurachi, Toshihide Maskawa, Kei-ichi Nagai, Hiroshi Ohki, Akihiro Shibata, Koichi Yamawaki, Takeshi Yamazaki

1211.6669 (Leonardo Giusti et al.)

Implications of Poincare symmetry for thermal field theories in

Leonardo Giusti, Harvey B. Meyer

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

1211.6163 (Daniel Mohler)

Review of lattice studies of resonances    [PDF]

Daniel Mohler

1211.6164 (Zoltan Fodor et al.)

The sextet gauge model, light Higgs, and the dilaton    [PDF]

Zoltan Fodor, Kieran Holland, Julius Kuti, Daniel Nogradi, Chris Schroeder, Chik Him Wong

1211.6180 (JLQCD Collaboration et al.)

Chiral behavior of kaon semileptonic form factors in lattice QCD with
exact chiral symmetry

JLQCD Collaboration, T. Kaneko, S. Aoki, G. Cossu, X. Feng, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto, J. Noaki, T. Onogi

1211.6224 (Giacomo Ceccarelli et al.)

Critical parameters from trap-size scaling in trapped particle systems    [PDF]

Giacomo Ceccarelli, Christian Torrero, Ettore Vicari

1211.6277 (S. Basak et al.)

Charm and strange hadron spectra from overlap fermions on HISQ gauge

S. Basak, S. Datta, M. Padmanath, P. Majumdar, N. Mathur

1211.6327 (F. Bahr et al.)

$|V_{ub}|$ determination in lattice QCD    [PDF]

F. Bahr, F. Bernardoni, B. Blossier, J. Bulava, M. Della Morte, P. Fritzsch, N. Garron, A. Gérardin, J. Heitger, G. von Hippel, A. Ramos, H. Simma, R. Sommer

1211.6393 (Krzysztof Cichy et al.)

Simulating the Schwinger model (almost) in the continuum limit    [PDF]

Krzysztof Cichy, Agnieszka Kujawa-Cichy, Marcin Szyniszewski

1211.6412 (Jean-Paul Blaizot et al.)

Effect of quark masses on the QCD presssure in a strong magnetic

Jean-Paul Blaizot, Eduardo S. Fraga, Leticia F. Palhares

Monday, November 26, 2012

1211.5301 (Axel Maas et al.)

Non-perturbative aspects in a weakly interacting Higgs sector    [PDF]

Axel Maas, Tajdar Mufti

1211.5314 (D. Ibañez et al.)

Gluon mass generation in the massless bound-state formalism    [PDF]

D. Ibañez, J. Papavassiliou

1211.5332 (Takuya Kanazawa et al.)

Banks-Casher-type relation for the BCS gap at high density    [PDF]

Takuya Kanazawa, Tilo Wettig, Naoki Yamamoto

1211.5362 (Yoshimasa Hidaka et al.)

Some exact results on the QCD critical point    [PDF]

Yoshimasa Hidaka, Naoki Yamamoto

1211.5474 (J. Carbonell et al.)

Three different approaches to the same interaction: the Yukawa model in
nuclear physics

J. Carbonell, F. de Soto, V. A. Karmanov

1211.5512 (Sho Ozaki et al.)

Lüscher's finite size method with twisted boundary conditions: an
application to $J/ψ$-$φ$ system to search for narrow resonance

Sho Ozaki, Shoichi Sasaki

1211.5570 (Walter Freeman et al.)

Sea Contributions to Hadron Electric Polarizabilities through

Walter Freeman, Andrei Alexandru, Frank Lee, Michael Lujan

Thursday, November 22, 2012

1211.4942 (Hayata Tomoya et al.)

Time-dependent Heavy-Quark Potential at Finite Temperature from
Gauge/Gravity Duality

Hayata Tomoya, Nawa Kanabu, Hatsuda Tetsuo

1211.4964 (Jon A. Bailey et al.)

Charm semileptonic decays and |V_{cs(d)}| from heavy clover quarks and
2+1 flavor asqtad staggered ensembles

Jon A. Bailey, D. Du, A. X. El-Khadra, Steven Gottlieb, R. D. Jain, A. S. Kronfeld, R. S. Van de Water, R. Zhou, for the Fermilab Lattice, MILC Collaborations

1211.5002 (Jan Oliver Daldrop et al.)

Lattice investigation of the tetraquark candidates a0(980) and kappa    [PDF]

Jan Oliver Daldrop, Constantia Alexandrou, Mattia Dalla Brida, Mario Gravina, Luigi Scorzato, Carsten Urbach, Marc Wagner

1211.5021 (Ari Hietanen et al.)

Orthogonal Technicolor with Isotriplet Dark Matter on the Lattice    [PDF]

Ari Hietanen, Claudio Pica, Francesco Sannino, Ulrik Ishøj Søndergaard

1211.5069 (Stefan Schaefer)

Status and challenges of simulations with dynamical fermions    [PDF]

Stefan Schaefer

1211.5127 (William Detmold et al.)

Form factors for $Λ_b \to Λ$ transitions from lattice QCD    [PDF]

William Detmold, C. -J. David Lin, Stefan Meinel, Matthew Wingate

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

1207.0222 (Markus Q. Huber et al.)

Two- and three-point functions in two-dimensional Landau-gauge
Yang-Mills theory: Continuum results

Markus Q. Huber, Axel Maas, Lorenz von Smekal

1211.4126 (Yuzhi Liu et al.)

Local gauge symmetry on optical lattices?    [PDF]

Yuzhi Liu, Yannick Meurice, Shan-Wen Tsai

1211.4238 (Zoltan Fodor et al.)

Conformal finite size scaling of twelve fermion flavors    [PDF]

Zoltan Fodor, Kieran Holland, Julius Kuti, Daniel Nogradi, Chris Schroeder, Chik Him Wong

1211.4334 (Takeshi Yamazaki et al.)

Bound states of multi-nucleon channels in N_f=2+1 lattice QCD    [PDF]

Takeshi Yamazaki, Ken-ichi Ishikawa, Yoshinobu Kuramashi, Akira Ukawa

1211.4388 (K. Jansen et al.)

A first look at quasi-Monte Carlo for lattice field theory problems    [PDF]

K. Jansen, H. Leovey, A. Nube, A. Griewank, M. Mueller-Preussker

1211.4447 (C. Alexandrou et al.)

Sigma terms and strangeness content of the nucleon with $Nf=2+1+1$
twisted mass fermions

C. Alexandrou, M. Constantinou, S. Dinter, V. Drach, K. Hadjiyiannakou, K. Jansen, G. Koutsou, A. Strelchenko, A. Vaquero

1211.4497 (Krzysztof Cichy et al.)

Properties of pseudoscalar flavour-singlet mesons from 2+1+1 twisted
mass lattice QCD

Krzysztof Cichy, Vincent Drach, Elena Garcia Ramos, Karl Jansen, Chris Michael, Konstantin Ottnad, Carsten Urbach, Falk Zimmermann

Friday, November 16, 2012

1211.3436 (Ydalia Delgado et al.)

Surface worm algorithm for abelian Gauge-Higgs systems on the lattice    [PDF]

Ydalia Delgado, Christof Gattringer, Alexander Schmidt

1211.3548 (Zoltan Fodor et al.)

Confining force and running coupling with twelve fundamental and two
sextet fermions

Zoltan Fodor, Kieran Holland, Julius Kuti, Daniel Nogradi, Chris Schroeder, Chik Him Wong

1211.3578 (Zhan-Wei Liu et al.)

Chiral Perturbation Theory and the $\bar B \bar B$ Strong Interaction    [PDF]

Zhan-Wei Liu, Ning Li, Shi-Lin Zhu

1211.3622 (Simon Catterall et al.)

Four fermion operators and the search for BSM Physics    [PDF]

Simon Catterall, Aarti Veernala

1211.3656 (Tiago Nunes da Silva et al.)

The strong coupling regime of twelve flavors QCD    [PDF]

Tiago Nunes da Silva, Elisabetta Pallante

1211.3675 (Y. Meurice)

Accurate exponents from approximate tensor renormalizations    [PDF]

Y. Meurice

1211.3709 (Erhard Seiler et al.)

Gauge cooling in complex Langevin for QCD with heavy quarks    [PDF]

Erhard Seiler, Dénes Sexty, Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu

1211.3728 (Andrei Alexandru et al.)

Chiral polarization scale of QCD vacuum and spontaneous chiral symmetry

Andrei Alexandru, Ivan Horvath

Thursday, November 15, 2012

1211.3156 (William Detmold et al.)

Quarkonium at non-zero isospin density    [PDF]

William Detmold, Stefan Meinel, Zhifeng Shi

1211.3180 (Oliver Witzel)

Calculating B-meson decay constants using domain-wall light quarks and
nonperturbatively tuned relativistic b-quarks

Oliver Witzel

1211.3247 (Zoltan Fodor et al.)

The gradient flow running coupling scheme    [PDF]

Zoltan Fodor, Kieran Holland, Julius Kuti, Daniel Nogradi, Chik Him Wong

1211.3304 (Piotr Bialas et al.)

Three dimensional finite temperature SU(3) gauge theory near the phase

Piotr Bialas, Lukasz Daniel, Andre Morel, Bengt Petersson

1211.3368 (Yen Lee Loh)

Accurate Calculation of Off-Diagonal Green Functions on Anisotropic
Hypercubic Lattices

Yen Lee Loh

1211.3374 (Philippe de Forcrand et al.)

A surprise with many-flavor staggered fermions in the strong coupling

Philippe de Forcrand, Seyong Kim, Wolfgang Unger

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

1211.3026 (Ulf-G. Meißner)

A walk through the world of chiral dynamics    [PDF]

Ulf-G. Meißner

1211.2824 (Mohamed M. Anber et al.)

The SU(3)/Z_3 QCD(adj) deconfinement transition via the gauge
theory/"affine" XY-model duality

Mohamed M. Anber, Scott Collier, Erich Poppitz

1211.2843 (Michael C. Ogilvie)

Phases of Gauge Theories    [PDF]

Michael C. Ogilvie

1211.2932 (Michael Bögli et al.)

Study of theta-Vacua in the 2-d O(3) Model    [PDF]

Michael Bögli, Ferenc Niedermayer, Michele Pepe, Uwe-Jens Wiese

1211.3014 (P. V. Buividovich et al.)

Lattice studies of magnetic phenomena in heavy-ion collisions    [PDF]

P. V. Buividovich, M. I. Polikarpov, O. V. Teryaev

1211.3057 (Andre Sternbeck et al.)

Lattice evidence for the family of decoupling solutions of Landau gauge
Yang-Mills theory

Andre Sternbeck, Michael Müller-Preussker

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

1112.5937 (Corneliu Sochichiu)

Dirac lattice    [PDF]

Corneliu Sochichiu

1207.4392 (G. Ramalho et al.)

The shape of the $Δ$ baryon in a covariant spectator quark model    [PDF]

G. Ramalho, M. T. Pena, A. Stadler

1211.2241 (Erez Zohar et al.)

A cold-atom quantum simulator for SU(2) Yang-Mills lattice gauge theory    [PDF]

Erez Zohar, J. Ignacio Cirac, Benni Reznik

1211.2242 (D. Banerjee et al.)

Atomic Quantum Simulation of U(N) and SU(N) Non-Abelian Lattice Gauge

D. Banerjee, M. Bögli, M. Dalmonte, E. Rico, P. Stebler, U. -J. Wiese, P. Zoller

1211.2247 (Si-Wei Qiu et al.)

Semileptonic B to D decays at nonzero recoil with 2+1 flavors of
improved staggered quarks. An update

Si-Wei Qiu, Carleton DeTar, Daping Du, Andreas S. Kronfeld, Jack Laiho, Ruth Van de Water

1211.2253 (Carleton DeTar et al.)

Charmonium mass splittings at the physical point    [PDF]

Carleton DeTar, A. S. Kronfeld, Song-Haeng Lee, L. Levkova, D. Mohler, J. N. Simone

1211.2261 (Evan Berkowitz et al.)

Multi-channel S-matrices from energy levels in finite boxes    [PDF]

Evan Berkowitz, Thomas D. Cohen, Patrick Jefferson

1211.2282 (Akira Ohnishi et al.)

Auxiliary field Monte-Carlo study of the QCD phase diagram at strong

Akira Ohnishi, Terukazu Ichihara, Takashi Z. Nakano

1211.2418 (Debasish Banerjee et al.)

An estimate of heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient in gluon

Debasish Banerjee, Saumen Datta, Rajiv V. Gavai, Pushan Majumdar

1211.2504 (Xu Feng et al.)

The neutral pion decay and the chiral anomaly on the lattice    [PDF]

Xu Feng, Sinya Aoki, Hidenori Fukaya, Shoji Hashimoto, Takashi Kaneko, Jun-ichi Noaki, Eigo Shintani

1211.2508 (Shinji Takeda et al.)

Finite size scaling for 4-flavor QCD with finite chemical potential    [PDF]

Shinji Takeda, Xiao-Yong Jin, Yoshinobu Kuramashi, Yoshifumi Nakamura, Akira Ukawa

1211.2542 (Xue Pan et al.)

Higher cumulants from the 3-dimensional $O(1, 2, 4)$ spin models    [PDF]

Xue Pan, Lizhu Chen, X. S. Chen, Yuanfang Wu

1211.2591 (H. Ohno et al.)

U_A(1) breaking at finite temperature from the Dirac spectrum with the
dynamical HISQ action

H. Ohno, U. M. Heller, F. Karsch, S. Mukherjee

1211.2601 (Andrei Alexandru et al.)

Chiral Polarization Scale at Finite Temperature    [PDF]

Andrei Alexandru, Ivan Horváth

1211.2704 (L. Tagliacozzo et al.)

Simulations of non-Abelian gauge theories with optical lattices    [PDF]

L. Tagliacozzo, A. Celi, P. Orland, M. Lewenstein

Thursday, November 8, 2012

1211.1390 (Ran Zhou et al.)

Form factors for semi-leptonic B decays    [PDF]

Ran Zhou, Steven Gottlieb, Jon A. Bailey, Daping Du, Aida X. El-Khadra, R. D. Jain, Andreas S. Kronfeld, Ruth S. Van de Water, Yuzhi Liu, Yannick Meurice, for the Fermilab Lattice, MILC Collaborations

1211.1392 (Tarun Grover)

Chiral Symmetry Breaking, Deconfinement and Entanglement Monotonicity    [PDF]

Tarun Grover

1211.1485 (Martin Hoferichter et al.)

Improved dispersive analysis of the scalar form factor of the nucleon    [PDF]

Martin Hoferichter, Christoph Ditsche, Bastian Kubis, Ulf-G. Meiß ner

1211.1488 (Pilar Hernández et al.)

N_f=2 chiral dynamics in the mixed chiral regime    [PDF]

Pilar Hernández, Silvia Necco, Carlos Pena, Grégory Vulvert

1211.1545 (Taegil Bae et al.)

Recent progress in calculation of $B_K$ using staggered fermions    [PDF]

Taegil Bae, Yong-Chull Jang, Hwancheol Jeong, Chulwoo Jung, Hyung-Jin Kim, Jangho Kim, Jongjeong Kim, Kwangwoo Kim, Seonghee Kim, Weonjong Lee, Jaehoon Leem, Stephen R. Sharpe, Boram Yoon, the SWME Collaboration

1211.1573 (Alexander Schmidt et al.)

Monte Carlo simulation of abelian gauge-Higgs lattice models using dual

Alexander Schmidt, Ydalia Delgado Mercado, Christof Gattringer

1211.1605 (Krzysztof Cichy et al.)

Overlap valence quarks on a twisted mass sea: a case study for mixed
action Lattice QCD

Krzysztof Cichy, Vincent Drach, Elena Garcia-Ramos, Gregorio Herdoiza, Karl Jansen

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

1003.5756 (M. Göckeler et al.)

Perturbative and Nonperturbative Renormalization in Lattice QCD    [PDF]

M. Göckeler, R. Horsley, Y. Nakamura, H. Perlt, D. Pleiter, P. E. L. Rakow, A. Schäfer, G. Schierholz, A. Schiller, H. Stüben, J. M. Zanotti

1211.0930 (Oleg Andreev)

On Exotic Hybrid Pseudo-Potentials and Gauge/String Duality    [PDF]

Oleg Andreev

1211.1101 (Jon A. Bailey et al.)

Beyond the Standard Model corrections to $K^0-\bar{K}^0$ mixing    [PDF]

Jon A. Bailey, Taegil Bae, Yong-Chull Jang, Hwancheol Jeong, Chulwoo Jung, Hyung-Jin Kim, Jangho Kim, Jongjeong Kim, Kwangwoo Kim, Seonghee Kim, Weonjong Lee, Jaehoon Leem, Stephen R. Sharpe, Boram Yoon

1211.1106 (Jon A. Bailey et al.)

Taste non-Goldstone pion decay constants in staggered chiral
perturbation theory

Jon A. Bailey, Boram Yoon, Weonjong Lee

1211.1159 (Michele Della Morte et al.)

Lattice calculations of the leading hadronic contribution to (g-2)_mu    [PDF]

Michele Della Morte, Benjamin Jäger, Andreas Jüttner, Hartmut Wittig

1211.1180 (Chris Johnson et al.)

Numerical determination of partial spectrum of Hermitian matrices using
a Lanczos method with selective reorthogonalization

Chris Johnson, A. D. Kennedy

1211.1214 (Jacob Finkenrath et al.)

Application of Domain Decomposition to the Evaluation of Fermion
Determinant Ratios

Jacob Finkenrath, Francesco Knechtli, Björn Leder

1211.1237 (Andrzej J. Buras et al.)

The Anatomy of Quark Flavour Observables in 331 Models in the Flavour
Precision Era

Andrzej J. Buras, Fulvia De Fazio, Jennifer Girrbach, Maria V. Carlucci

1211.1282 (Stefano Capitani et al.)

Excited state systematics in extracting nucleon electromagnetic form

Stefano Capitani, Michele Della Morte, Georg von Hippel, Benjamin Jäger, Bastian Knippschild, Harvey B. Meyer, Thomas D. Rae, Hartmut Wittig

1211.1288 (Michele Della Morte et al.)

Improved interpolating fields for hadrons at non-vanishing momentum    [PDF]

Michele Della Morte, Benjamin Jäger, Thomas D. Rae, Hartmut Wittig

1211.1358 (Michael Ogilvie)

Confinement in high-temperature lattice gauge theories    [PDF]

Michael Ogilvie

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

1108.1380 (S. R. Beane et al.)

SU(2) Low-Energy Constants from Mixed-Action Lattice QCD    [PDF]

S. R. Beane, W. Detmold, P. M. Junnarkar, T. C. Luu, K. Orginos, A. Parreno, M. J. Savage, A. Torok, A. Walker-Loud

1211.0565 (N. Carrasco et al.)

Neutral meson oscillations in the Standard Model and beyond from Nf=2
Twisted Mass Lattice QCD

N. Carrasco, P. Dimopoulos, R. Frezzotti, V. Gimenez, G. Herdoiza, V. Lubicz, G. Martinelli, D. Palao, M. Papinutto, G. C. Rossi, F. Sanfilippo, A. Shindler, S. Simula, C. Tarantino

1211.0568 (N. Carrasco et al.)

B-physics from the ratio method with Wilson twisted mass fermions    [PDF]

N. Carrasco, P. Dimopoulos, R. Frezzotti, V. Gimenez, G. Herdoiza V. Lubicz, G. Martinelli, C. Michael, D. Palao, G. C. Rossi, F. Sanfilippo, A. Shindler, S. Simula, C. Tarantino

1211.0619 (Anyi Li)

Fermion bag solutions to some sign problems in four-fermion field

Anyi Li

1211.0664 (Nigel Cundy et al.)

String tension from gauge invariant Magnetic Monopoles    [PDF]

Nigel Cundy, Weonjong Lee, Jaehoon Leem, Y. M. Cho

1211.0712 (D. K. Sinclair et al.)

QCD with colour-sextet quarks    [PDF]

D. K. Sinclair, J. B. Kogut

1211.0743 (JLQCD Collaboration et al.)

Pion form factors in the epsilon regime    [PDF]

JLQCD Collaboration, H. Fukaya, S. Aoki, S. Hashimoto, T. Kaneko, H. Matsufuru, J. Noaki, T. Onogi, N. Yamada

1211.0751 (E. Gamiz et al.)

Kaon semileptonic decay form factors with HISQ valence quarks    [PDF]

E. Gamiz, J. A. Bailey, A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. Bouchard, C. DeTar, D. Du, A. X. El-Khadra, J. Foley, E. D. Freeland, Steven Gottlieb, U. M. Heller, J. Kim, A. S. Kronfeld, J. Laiho, L. Levkova, P. B. Mackenzie, E. T. Neil, M. B. Oktay, Si-Wei Qiu, J. N. Simone, R. Sugar, D. Toussaint, R. S. Van de Water, R. Zhou

1211.0785 (Javad Komijani et al.)

Staggered Chiral Perturbation Theory for All-Staggered Heavy-Light

Javad Komijani, Claude Bernard

1211.0792 (Yong-Chull Jang et al.)

Current Status of Indirect CP Violation in Neutral Kaon System    [PDF]

Yong-Chull Jang, Weonjong Lee

1211.0797 (Enrico Rinaldi et al.)

Light scalar spectrum in extra-dimensional gauge theories    [PDF]

Enrico Rinaldi, Luigi Del Debbio, Alistair Hart

1211.0807 (Margarita Garcia Perez et al.)

Volume dependence in 2+1 Yang-Mills theory    [PDF]

Margarita Garcia Perez, Antonio Gonzalez-Arroyo, Masanori Okawa

1211.0820 (Hwancheol Jeong et al.)

Performance of SSE and AVX Instruction Sets    [PDF]

Hwancheol Jeong, Sunghoon Kim, Weonjong Lee, Seok-Ho Myung

1211.0828 (Xu Feng et al.)

Leading-order hadronic contributions to a_μ and α_{QED} from
N_f=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions

Xu Feng, Grit Hotzel, Karl Jansen, Marcus Petschlies, Dru B. Renner

1211.0866 (Dirk Hesse et al.)

A one-loop study of matching conditions for static-light flavor currents    [PDF]

Dirk Hesse, Rainer Sommer

1211.0929 (Peng Guo et al.)

The coupled-channel and three-particle system on a torus    [PDF]

Peng Guo, Jozef Dudek, Robert Edwards, Adam P. Szczepaniak

1211.0950 (Konstantinos N. Anagnostopoulos et al.)

Monte Carlo simulations of a supersymmetric matrix model of dynamical
compactification in non perturbative string theory

Konstantinos N. Anagnostopoulos, Takehiro Azuma, Jun Nishimura

1211.0956 (Taichi Kawanai et al.)

The B -> pi l nu form factor from unquenched lattice QCD with
domain-wall light quarks and relativistic b-quarks

Taichi Kawanai, Ruth S. Van de Water, Oliver Witzel

Sunday, November 4, 2012

1211.0092 (Craig Pelissier et al.)

Resonance parameters of the rho-meson from asymmetrical lattices    [PDF]

Craig Pelissier, Andrei Alexandru

1211.0116 (Shinya Gongyo et al.)

Analytical derivation of gauge fields from link variables in SU(3)
lattice QCD and its application in maximally Abelian gauge

Shinya Gongyo, Hideo Suganuma, Takumi Iritani

1211.0126 (C. Alexandrou et al.)

Evaluation of disconnected contributions using GPUs    [PDF]

C. Alexandrou, V. Drach, K. Hadjiyiannakou, K. Jansen, G. Koutsou, A. Strelchenko, A. Vaquero

1211.0142 (Ari Hietanen et al.)

Isotriplet Dark Matter on the Lattice: SO(4)-gauge theory with two
Vector Wilson fermions

Ari Hietanen, Claudio Pica, Francesco Sannino, Ulrik Ishøj Søndergaard

1211.0237 (C. Bernard)

Staggered Chiral Perturbation Theory for Neutral B Mixing    [PDF]

C. Bernard

1211.0253 (Jeremy Green et al.)

Nucleon structure with pion mass down to 149 MeV    [PDF]

Jeremy Green, Michael Engelhardt, Stefan Krieg, John Negele, Andrew Pochinsky, Sergey Syritsyn

Thursday, November 1, 2012

1210.8157 (S. Basak et al.)

Status of the MILC calculation of electromagnetic contributions to
pseudoscalar masses

S. Basak, A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. DeTar, E. Freeland, W. Freeman, J. Foley, Steven Gottlieb, U. M. Heller, J. E. Hetrick, J. Laiho, L. Levkova, M. Oktay, J. Osborn, R. L. Sugar, A. Torok, D. Toussaint, R. S. Van de Water, R. Zhou

1210.8249 (John Bulava et al.)

Investigation of the phase structure of a chirally-invariant
Higgs-Yukawa model

John Bulava, Philipp Gerhold, George W. -S. Hou, Karl Jansen, Bastian Knippschild, C. -J. David Lin, Kei-Ichi Nagai, Attila Nagy, Kenji Ogawa

1210.8250 (Arata Yamamoto)

Lattice QCD with strong external electric fields    [PDF]

Arata Yamamoto

1210.8281 (Istvan Montvay)

Unquenched simulations of four-nucleon interactions    [PDF]

Istvan Montvay

1210.8431 (A. Bazavov et al.)

Pseudoscalar meson physics with four dynamical quarks    [PDF]

A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. Bouchard, C. DeTar, D. Du, A. X. El-Khadra, J. Foley, E. D. Freeland, E. Gamiz, Steven Gottlieb, U. M. Heller, J. E. Hetrick, J. Kim, A. S. Kronfeld, J. Laiho, L. Levkova, M. Lightman, P. B. Mackenzie, E. T. Neil, M. Oktay, J. N. Simone, R. L. Sugar, D. Toussaint, R. S. Van de Water, R. Zhou, for the Fermilab Lattice Collaboration, for the MILC Collaboration

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

1210.7849 (Andrei Alexandru et al.)

Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking as Condensation of Dynamical

Andrei Alexandru, Ivan Horvath

1210.7873 (H. Suganuma et al.)

Dirac-mode expansion for confinement and chiral symmetry breaking    [PDF]

H. Suganuma, S. Gongyo, T. Iritani

1210.7881 (Antonio González-Arroyo et al.)

Twisted reduction in large N QCD with two adjoint Wilson fermions    [PDF]

Antonio González-Arroyo, Masanori Okawa

1210.7914 (Takumi Iritani et al.)

Dirac-mode expansion analysis for Polyakov loop    [PDF]

Takumi Iritani, Shinya Gongyo, Hideo Suganuma

1210.7921 (Seung-il Nam)

Electrical conductivity of quark matter at finite T    [PDF]

Seung-il Nam

1210.7930 (Ari Harju et al.)

Computational Physics on Graphics Processing Units    [PDF]

Ari Harju, Topi Siro, Filippo Federici-Canova, Samuli Hakala, Teemu Rantalaiho

1210.7932 (F. Bernardoni et al.)

B-physics from HQET in two-flavour lattice QCD    [PDF]

F. Bernardoni, B. Blossier, J. Bulava, M. Della Morte, P. Fritzsch, N. Garron, A. Gérardin, J. Heitger, G. von Hippel, H. Simma, R. Sommer

1210.7950 (Axel Maas et al.)

G2 gauge theories    [PDF]

Axel Maas, Björn H. Wellegehausen

1210.7994 (Michael Fromm et al.)

Phase transitions in heavy-quark QCD from an effective theory    [PDF]

Michael Fromm, Jens Langelage, Stefano Lottini, Mathias Neuman, Owe Philipsen

1210.8013 (Kohtaroh Miura)

Thermodynamic Lattice Study for Preconformal Dynamics in Strongly
Flavored Gauge Theory

Kohtaroh Miura

1210.8018 (Nuno Cardoso et al.)

GPU implementation of a Landau gauge fixing algorithm    [PDF]

Nuno Cardoso, Paulo J. Silva, Orlando Oliveira, Pedro Bicudo

1210.8026 (Marco Cristoforetti et al.)

The sign problem and the Lefschetz thimble    [PDF]

Marco Cristoforetti, Francesco Di Renzo, Luigi Scorzato

1210.8033 (O. Oliveira et al.)

The Landau gauge gluon propagator at zero and finite temperature:
accounting for the combined finite lattice spacing and finite volume effects

O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

1210.7247 (Liam Keegan)

Mass Anomalous Dimension at Large N    [PDF]

Liam Keegan

1210.7250 (Amy N. Nicholson et al.)

Elucidating the sign problem through noise distributions    [PDF]

Amy N. Nicholson, Dorota Grabowska, David B. Kaplan

1210.7266 (Christopher Monahan)

The Beauty of Lattice Perturbation Theory: The Role of Lattice
Perturbation Theory in B Physics

Christopher Monahan

1210.7398 (T. Boku et al.)

Multi-block/multi-core SSOR preconditioner for the QCD quark solver for
K computer

T. Boku, K. -I. Ishikawa, Y. Kuramashi, K. Minami, Y. Nakamura, F. Shoji, D. Takahashi, M. Terai, A. Ukawa, T. Yoshie

1210.7455 (Francesco Giacosa et al.)

Pressure of the O(N) Model in 1+1 Dimensions    [PDF]

Francesco Giacosa, Stefano Lottini, Elina Seel, Dominik Smith

1210.7465 (G. Ramalho et al.)

Covariant spectator quark model description of the $γ^\ast Λ
\to Σ^0$ transition

G. Ramalho, K. Tsushima

1210.7484 (Robert Lohmayer et al.)

Large-N string tension from rectangular Wilson loops    [PDF]

Robert Lohmayer, Herbert Neuberger

1210.7565 (Takahiro Sasaki et al.)

Model approach to the sign problem on lattice QCD with theta vacuum    [PDF]

Takahiro Sasaki, Junichi Takahashi, Yuji Sakai, Hiroaki Kouno, Masanobu Yahiro

1210.7586 (Seyong Kim et al.)

Two topics from lattice NRQCD at non-zero temperature: heavy quark mass
dependence and S-wave bottomonium states moving in a thermal bath

Seyong Kim, Gert Aarts, Chris Allton, Maria Paola Lombardo, Mehmet B. Oktay, Sinead M. Ryan, Donald K. Sinclair, Jon-Ivar Skullerud

1210.7611 (Christopher Aubin et al.)

Pade approximants and g-2 for the muon    [PDF]

Christopher Aubin, Thomas Blum, Maarten Golterman, Santiago Peris

1210.7737 (M. Constantinou et al.)

Perturbative subtraction of lattice artifacts in the computation of
renormalization constants

M. Constantinou, M. Costa, M. Gockeler, R. Horsley, H. Panagopoulos, H. Perlt, P. E. L. Rakow, G. Schierholz, A. Schiller

1210.7754 (Jon A. Bailey et al.)

Chiral extrapolation of matrix elements of BSM kaon operators    [PDF]

Jon A. Bailey, Hyung-Jin Kim, Weonjong Lee, Stephen R. Sharpe

1210.7767 (Georg Bergner et al.)

The gluino-glue particle and relevant scales for the simulations of
supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory

Georg Bergner, Istvan Montvay, Gernot Münster, Dirk Sandbrink, Umut D. Özugurel

1210.7777 (Andre Walker-Loud et al.)

Cottingham formula for the electromagnetic self-energy contribution to
M_p - M_n

Andre Walker-Loud, Carl E. Carlson, Gerald A. Miller

1210.7791 (Peter Orland)

Exact Correlators in the 't Hooft Limit of the Principal Chiral Model    [PDF]

Peter Orland

1210.7794 (O. Oliveira et al.)

Glueball spectral densities from the lattice    [PDF]

O. Oliveira, D. Dudal, P. J. Silva

Thursday, October 25, 2012

1210.6355 (Taro Kimura)

Hofstadter problem in higher dimensions    [PDF]

Taro Kimura

1210.6357 (Taro Kimura et al.)

QCD Phase Diagram with 2-flavor Lattice Fermion Formulations    [PDF]

Taro Kimura, Tatsuhiro Misumi, Akira Ohnishi

1210.6524 (Fabio Bernardoni et al.)

B-physics from non-perturbatively renormalized HQET in two-flavour
lattice QCD

Fabio Bernardoni, Benoit Blossier, John Bulava, Michele Della Morte, Patrick Fritzsch, Nicolas Garron, Antoine Gerardin, Jochen Heitger, Georg M. von Hippel, Hubert Simma

1210.6559 (Simon Hands et al.)

The Phase Diagram of Two Color QCD    [PDF]

Simon Hands, Seamus Cotter, Pietro Giudice, Jon-Ivar Skullerud

1210.6600 (A. D. Kennedy et al.)

Shadow Hamiltonians, Poisson Brackets, and Gauge Theories    [PDF]

A. D. Kennedy, P. J. Silva, M. A. Clark

1210.6632 (Piotr Korcyl et al.)

On non-trivial spectra of trivial gauge theories    [PDF]

Piotr Korcyl, Mateusz Koren, Jacek Wosiek

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1210.5573 (Xiaofeng Luo et al.)

Search for the QCD Critical Point by Higher Moments of Net-proton
Multiplicity Distributions at STAR

Xiaofeng Luo, for the STAR Collaboration

1210.5887 (Feng-Kun Guo et al.)

Baryon electric dipole moments from strong CP violation    [PDF]

Feng-Kun Guo, Ulf-G. Meißner

1210.5896 (P. Cea et al.)

Two-flavor QCD at finite quark or isospin density    [PDF]

P. Cea, L. Cosmai, M. D'Elia, A. Papa, F. Sanfilippo

1210.5907 (Apoorva Patel)

Baryon Number Correlations in Heavy Ion Collisions    [PDF]

Apoorva Patel

1210.5954 (Takashi Z. Nakano et al.)

Strong coupling analysis of Aoki phase in Staggered-Wilson fermions    [PDF]

Takashi Z. Nakano, Tatsuhiro Misumi, Taro Kimura, Akira Ohnishi

1210.5962 (J. A. Gracey)

Power corrections to symmetric point vertices in Gribov-Zwanziger theory    [PDF]

J. A. Gracey

1210.5963 (Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz et al.)

Topological aspects of G2 Yang-Mills theory    [PDF]

Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz, Axel Maas

1210.5964 (Eric Endress et al.)

Variance reduction techniques for a quantitative understanding of the
ΔI = 1/2 rule

Eric Endress, Carlos Pena

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

1103.3304 (Michael Creutz)

Confinement, chiral symmetry, and the lattice    [PDF]

Michael Creutz

1210.4228 (Tuomas Karavirta et al.)

Mapping the Conformal Window: SU(2) with 4, 6 and 10 flavors of fermions    [PDF]

Tuomas Karavirta, Kimmo tuominen, Jarno Rantaharju, Kari Rummukainen

1210.4284 (Maarten Golterman et al.)

Phase with no mass gap in non-perturbatively gauge-fixed Yang--Mills

Maarten Golterman, Yigal Shamir

1210.4450 (J. M. Alarcón et al.)

Improved description of the $πN$-scattering phenomenology in
covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory

J. M. Alarcón, J. Martin Camalich, J. A. Oller

1210.4464 (B. C. Tiburzi et al.)

Charged Hadron Properties from Lattice QCD in Magnetic Fields    [PDF]

B. C. Tiburzi, S. O. Vayl

1210.4496 (Seamus Cotter et al.)

Towards the phase diagram of dense two-color matter    [PDF]

Seamus Cotter, Pietro Giudice, Simon Hands, Jon-Ivar Skullerud

Thursday, October 11, 2012

1210.2903 (Gert Aarts et al.)

S wave bottomonium states moving in a quark-gluon plasma from lattice

Gert Aarts, Chris Allton, Seyong Kim, Maria Paola Lombardo, Mehmet B. Oktay, Sinead M. Ryan, D. K. Sinclair, Jon-Ivar Skullerud

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

1210.0025 (M. Engelhardt)

Strange quark contributions to nucleon mass and spin from lattice QCD    [PDF]

M. Engelhardt

1210.0292 (H. -T. Ding et al.)

Charmonium dissociation and heavy quark transport in hot quenched
lattice QCD

H. -T. Ding, A. Francis, O. Kaczmarek, F. Karsch, H. Satz, W. Söldner

1210.0351 (Tuomas Karavirta et al.)

Effect of the Schrödinger functional boundary conditions on the
convergence of step scaling

Tuomas Karavirta, Kari Rummukainen, Kimmo Tuominen

1210.0388 (Hirofumi Yamada)

Inverse Laplace transform on the lattice spacing    [PDF]

Hirofumi Yamada

1210.0474 (Cecilia Tarantino)

Flavor Lattice QCD in the Precision Era    [PDF]

Cecilia Tarantino

1210.0760 (Pere Masjuan et al.)

Meson dominance of hadron form factors and large-Nc phenomenology    [PDF]

Pere Masjuan, Enrique Ruiz Arriola, Wojciech Broniowski

1210.0838 (Florian Burger et al.)

Quark mass and chiral condensate from the Wilson twisted mass lattice
quark propagator

Florian Burger, Vittorio Lubicz, Michael Müller-Preussker, Silvano Simula, Carsten Urbach

1210.0869 (K. U. Can et al.)

Vector and axial-vector couplings of D and D* mesons in 2+1 flavor
Lattice QCD

K. U. Can, G. Erkol, M. Oka, A. Ozpineci, T. T. Takahashi

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

1109.6372 (Masanori Hanada)

Large-Nc equivalence and the sign problem at finite baryon density    [PDF]

Masanori Hanada

1110.2297 (Marco Frasca)

Beyond one-gluon exchange in the infrared limit of Yang-Mills theory    [PDF]

Marco Frasca

1201.0149 (Ju-Jun Xie et al.)

The $DN$, $πΣ_c$ interaction in finite volume and the
$Λ_c(2595)$ resonance

Ju-Jun Xie, E. Oset

1209.5579 (Ed Bennett et al.)

Topology of Minimal Walking Technicolor    [PDF]

Ed Bennett, Biagio Lucini

1209.5697 (Jeff Greensite)

The potential of the effective Polyakov line action from the underlying
lattice gauge theory

Jeff Greensite

1209.5720 (Albert Deuzeman et al.)

The bulk transition of QCD with twelve flavors and the role of

Albert Deuzeman, Maria Paola Lombardo, Tiago Nunes da Silva, Elisabetta Pallante