Friday, March 16, 2012

1108.1151 (Joseph Wasem)

Lattice QCD Calculation of Nuclear Parity Violation    [PDF]

Joseph Wasem

1110.6340 (Axel Maas et al.)

The gluon propagator close to criticality    [PDF]

Axel Maas, Jan M. Pawlowski, Lorenz von Smekal, Daniel Spielmann

1203.3260 (Hua-Xing Chen)

Chiral Baryon Fields in the QCD Sum Rule    [PDF]

Hua-Xing Chen

1203.3320 (Hidekatsu Nemura et al.)

Baryon-baryon interaction of strangeness S=-1 sector    [PDF]

Hidekatsu Nemura, for HAL QCD Collaboration

1203.3339 (Shinji Motok et al.)

Development of Lattice QCD Tool Kit on Cell Broadband Engine Processor    [PDF]

Shinji Motok, i Yoshiyuki Nakagawa, Keitaro Nagata, Koichi Hashimoto, Kiyoshi Mizumaru, Atsushi Nakamura

1203.3360 (E. -M. Ilgenfritz et al.)

Two-color QCD with staggered fermions at finite temperature under the
influence of a magnetic field

E. -M. Ilgenfritz, M. Kalinowski, M. Muller-Preussker, B. Petersson, A. Schreiber

1203.3378 (William Detmold et al.)

Calculation of the heavy-hadron axial couplings g_1, g_2, and g_3 using
lattice QCD

William Detmold, C. -J. David Lin, Stefan Meinel