Monday, December 10, 2012

1212.1474 (P. A. Boyle et al.)

Emerging understanding of the ΔI = 1/2 Rule from Lattice QCD    [PDF]

P. A. Boyle, N. H. Christ, N. Garron, E. J. Goode, T. Janowski, C. Lehner, Q. Liu, A. T. Lytle, C. T. Sachrajda, A. Soni, D. Zhang, for the RBC Collaboration, for the UKQCD Collaboration

1212.1503 (Gabriel Wlazłowski et al.)

Cooper pairing above the critical temperature in a unitary Fermi gas    [PDF]

Gabriel Wlazłowski, Piotr Magierski, Joaquín E. Drut, Aurel Bulgac, Kenneth J. Roche

1212.1533 (Mitsuhiro Kato et al.)

Leibniz rule, locality and supersymmetry on lattice    [PDF]

Mitsuhiro Kato, Makoto Sakamoto, Hiroto So

1212.1568 (Sinya Aoki et al.)

Chiral symmetry restoration and eigenvalue density of Dirac operator    [PDF]

Sinya Aoki, Hidenori Fukaya, Yusuke Taniguchi

1212.1572 (Takumi Doi et al.)

Nuclear physics from lattice simulations    [PDF]

Takumi Doi, for HAL QCD Collaboration

1212.1594 (Philipp Gubler et al.)

Modification of hadronic spectral functions under extreme conditions: An
approach based on QCD sum rules and the maximum entropy method

Philipp Gubler, Kei Suzuki, Kenji Morita, Makoto Oka

1212.1606 (Takumi Doi et al.)

Few-baryon interactions from lattice QCD    [PDF]

Takumi Doi, for HAL QCD Collaboration

1212.1648 (Marc Wagner et al.)

Scalar mesons and tetraquarks by means of lattice QCD    [PDF]

Marc Wagner, Constantia Alexandrou, Jan Oliver Daldrop, Mattia Dalla Brida, Mario Gravina, Luigi Scorzato, Carsten Urbach, Christian Wiese