Monday, January 30, 2012

1104.5484 (Laurent Lellouch)

Flavor physics and lattice quantum chromodynamics    [PDF]

Laurent Lellouch

1107.1930 (Christopher E. Thomas et al.)

Helicity operators for mesons in flight on the lattice    [PDF]

Christopher E. Thomas, Robert G. Edwards, Jozef J. Dudek

1110.1231 (Tatsuhiro Misumi et al.)

Aoki Phases in Staggered-Wilson Fermions    [PDF]

Tatsuhiro Misumi, Michael Creutz, Taro Kimura, Takashi Z. Nakano, Akira Ohnishi

1110.5829 (B. Blossier et al.)

Ghost-gluon coupling, power corrections and $Λ_{\bar{\rm MS}}$
from lattice QCD with a dynamical charm

B. Blossier, Ph. Boucaud, M. Brinet, F. De Soto, X. Du, M. Gravina, V. Morenas, O. Pène, K. Petrov, J. Rodríguez-Quintero

1201.4039 (Damir Becirevic et al.)

D-meson decay constants and a check of factorization in non-leptonic

Damir Becirevic, Vittorio Lubicz, Francesco Sanfilippo, Silvano Simula, Cecilia Tarantino

1201.5345 (Alexei Bazavov et al.)

Chiral transition temperature and aspects of deconfinement in 2+1 flavor
QCD with the HISQ/tree action

Alexei Bazavov, for HotQCD collaboration

1201.5372 (Nikos Irges)

Lattice Gauge Theory - Gravity duality and Coulomb's constant in five

Nikos Irges

1201.5624 (Edward Shuryak et al.)

The Chiral Symmetry Breaking/Restoration in Dyonic Vacuum    [PDF]

Edward Shuryak, Tin Sulejmanpasic

1201.5710 (Y. Meurice et al.)

Comparison of Improved Perturbative Methods    [PDF]

Y. Meurice, Haiyuan Zou

1201.5770 (B. Blossier et al.)

The strong running coupling at $τ$ and $Z_0$ mass scales from lattice

B. Blossier, Ph. Boucaud, M. Brinet, F. De Soto, X. Du, V. Morenas, O. Pène, K. Petrov, J. Rodríguez-Quintero

1201.5814 (L. Ya. Glozman et al.)

How Chiral Symmetry Breaking Affects the Spectrum of the Light-Heavy
Mesons in the 't Hooft Model

L. Ya. Glozman, V. K. Sazonov, M. Shifman, R. F. Wagenbrunn