Tuesday, January 15, 2013

1301.2523 (Pietro Faccioli et al.)

QCD Topology at Finite Temperature: Statistical Mechanics of Selfdual

Pietro Faccioli, Edward Shuryak

1301.2607 (T. Blum et al.)

Hadronic corrections to the muon anomalous magnetic moment from lattice

T. Blum, M. Hayakawa, T. Izubuchi

1301.2646 (Shinya Gongyo et al.)

SU(3) lattice QCD study of the gluon propagator in maximally Abelian
gauge: off-diagonal gluon mass generation and infrared Abelian dominance

Shinya Gongyo, Hideo Suganuma, Takumi Iritani

1301.2855 (Takumi Iritani et al.)

Polyakov loop analysis with Dirac-mode expansion    [PDF]

Takumi Iritani, Shinya Gongyo, Hideo Suganuma

1301.2864 (Hiroshi Ueda et al.)

Lattice QCD study for stringy excitation and role of UV gluons    [PDF]

Hiroshi Ueda, Takahiro M. Doi, Sho Fujibayashi, Shoichiro Tsutsui, Takumi Iritani, Hideo Suganuma

1301.2873 (Kenji Morita et al.)

Net quark number probability distribution near the chiral crossover

Kenji Morita, Bengt Friman, Krzysztof Redlich, Vladimir Skokov

1301.2879 (Hideo Suganuma et al.)

Lattice QCD study of confinement and chiral symmetry breaking with
Dirac-mode expansion

Hideo Suganuma, Shinya Gongyo, Takumi Iritani

1301.2881 (Nazario Tantalo)

Lattice calculation of isospin corrections to Kl2 and Kl3 decays    [PDF]

Nazario Tantalo

1301.2971 (D. Dudal et al.)

(Lattice) Propagators and Extraction of Spectral Densities    [PDF]

D. Dudal, O. Oliveira, P. J. Silva

1301.3067 (J. M. Alarcón et al.)

Low energy analysis of $Ï€N$ scattering and the pion-nucleon sigma
term with covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory

J. M. Alarcón, J. Martin Camalich, J. A. Oller

1301.3089 (Mario Schröck)

Chiral restoration of the momentum space quark propagator through Dirac
low-mode truncation

Mario Schröck

1301.3099 (Poul H. Damgaard et al.)

Wilson chiral perturbation theory, Wilson-Dirac operator eigenvalues and
clover improvement

Poul H. Damgaard, Urs M. Heller, Kim Splittorff