Kouji Kashiwa, Yu Maezawa
Contribution of the quark back reaction to the deconfinement phase transition is studied in the thermodynamical potential of the gluonic sector which consists of the gluon and ghost propagators calculated in the lattice QCD simulations. Starting from QCD thermodynamic potential, we define the gluonic potential in the leading-order of the 2PI formalism, which can describe the deconfinement phase transition. Then the gluonic potential can be written by using the microscopic characters; the gluon and ghost propagators in Landau gauge fixing. To include effects of the quark back reaction, we calculate the gluon propagators in lattice QCD simulations with two-flavored dynamical quarks. Fitting the lattice data by the Gribov-Stingl form and investigating the phase transition of the gluonic potential, we find that enhancement of the quark back reaction reduces the critical temperature of the deconfinement phase transition.
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