Thursday, February 9, 2012

1109.0656 (Mario Kieburg et al.)

Eigenvalue Density of the non-Hermitian Wilson Dirac Operator    [PDF]

Mario Kieburg, Jacobus J. M. Verbaarschot, Savvas Zafeiropoulos

1110.2690 (Mario Kieburg et al.)

Random Matrix Models for Dirac Operators at finite Lattice Spacing    [PDF]

Mario Kieburg, Jacobus J. M. Verbaarschot, Savvas Zafeiropoulos

1112.4533 (Nuno Cardoso et al.)

Generating SU(Nc) pure gauge lattice QCD configurations on GPUs with
CUDA and OpenMP

Nuno Cardoso, Pedro Bicudo

1202.1570 (Jon A. Bailey et al.)

Kaon mixing matrix elements from beyond-the-Standard-Model operators in
staggered chiral perturbation theory

Jon A. Bailey, Hyung-Jin Kim, Weonjong Lee, Stephen R. Sharpe

1202.1605 (Y. Meurice)

QCD calculations with optical lattices?    [PDF]

Y. Meurice

1202.1640 (P. Bicudo et al.)

Computation of pion and kaon heavy ion multiplicities in a gluon-meson

P. Bicudo, F. Giacosa, E. Seel

1202.1768 (Mario Kieburg)

Mixing of orthogonal and skew-orthogonal polynomials and its relation to
Wilson RMT

Mario Kieburg

1202.1769 (T. Kähärä et al.)

Deconfinement vs. chiral symmetry and higher representation matter    [PDF]

T. Kähärä, M. Ruggieri, K. Tuominen