Thursday, January 17, 2013

1301.3493 (Maximilian Stahlhofen)

Bottom Mass from Nonrelativistic Sum Rules at NNLL    [PDF]

Maximilian Stahlhofen

1301.3513 (Bastian B. Brandt et al.)

The electromagnetic form factor of the pion in two-flavour lattice QCD    [PDF]

Bastian B. Brandt, Andreas Juttner, Hartmut Wittig

1301.3520 (Axel Maas et al.)

Bounds on free energy in QCD    [PDF]

Axel Maas, Daniel Zwanziger

1301.3591 (Adrian L. Kiratidis et al.)

Multi-Particle Baryon Spectroscopy    [PDF]

Adrian L. Kiratidis, Waseem Kamleh, Derek B. Leinweber, Peter Moran

1301.3619 (G. Burgio et al.)

Lattice Coulomb propagators, effective energy and confinement    [PDF]

G. Burgio, M. Quandt, H. Reinhardt, M. Schröck

1301.3631 (J. Greensite et al.)

Testing the Yang-Mills vacuum wave functional Ansatz in 3+1 dimensions    [PDF]

J. Greensite, S. Olejnik

1301.3701 (John Bulava et al.)

Higgs boson mass bounds in the presence of a heavy fourth quark family    [PDF]

John Bulava, Philipp Gerhold, Karl Jansen, Jim Kallarackal, Attila Nagy