Thursday, November 22, 2012

1211.5127 (William Detmold et al.)

Form factors for $Λ_b \to Λ$ transitions from lattice QCD    [PDF]

William Detmold, C. -J. David Lin, Stefan Meinel, Matthew Wingate
The rare baryonic decays $\Lambda_b \to \Lambda \mu^+ \mu^-$ and $\Lambda_b \to \Lambda \gamma$ can complement rare $B$ meson decays in constraining models of new physics. In this work, we calculate the relevant $\Lambda_b \to \Lambda$ transition form factors at leading order in the heavy-quark expansion using lattice QCD. Our analysis is based on RBC/UKQCD gauge field ensembles with 2+1 flavors of domain-wall fermions, and with lattice spacings of $a\approx 0.11$ fm and $a\approx 0.08$ fm. We compute appropriate ratios of three-point and two-point correlation functions for a wide range of source-sink separations, and extrapolate to infinite separation in order to eliminate excited-state contamination. We then extrapolate the form factors to the continuum limit and to the physical values of the light-quark masses.
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