Wednesday, April 4, 2012

1105.1892 (Harvey B. Meyer)

Lattice QCD and the Timelike Pion Form Factor    [PDF]

Harvey B. Meyer

1107.4388 (David Bernecker et al.)

Vector Correlators in Lattice QCD: methods and applications    [PDF]

David Bernecker, Harvey B. Meyer

1110.2927 (Hugo Reinhardt et al.)

On the temporal Wilson loop in the Hamiltonian approach in Coulomb gauge    [PDF]

Hugo Reinhardt, Markus Quandt, Giuseppe Burgio

1204.0138 (M. A. Zubkov)

Schwinger pair creation in multilayer graphene    [PDF]

M. A. Zubkov

1204.0216 (Attilio Cucchieri et al.)

The Minimal Landau Background Gauge on the Lattice    [PDF]

Attilio Cucchieri, Tereza Mendes

1204.0228 (Yuji Sakai et al.)

The quarkynic phase and the Z_{Nc} symmetry    [PDF]

Yuji Sakai, Hiroaki Kouno, Takahiro Sasaki, Masanobu Yahiro

1204.0260 (Nan Su)

A brief overview of hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory    [PDF]

Nan Su

1204.0270 (Gabriel Wlazłowski et al.)

Shear Viscosity of a Unitary Fermi Gas    [PDF]

Gabriel Wlazłowski, Piotr Magierski, Joaquín E. Drut

1204.0331 (A. Hietanen et al.)

Numerical evidence for non-analytic behavior in the beta function of
large N SU(N) gauge theory coupled to an adjoint Dirac fermion

A. Hietanen, R. Narayanan

1204.0651 (M. Bordag et al.)

The type of the phase transition and coupling values in λφ^4

M. Bordag, V. Demchik, A. Gulov, V. Skalozub

1204.0685 (χQCD Collaboration: M. Gong et al.)

The Strangeness and Charmness of Nucleon from Overlap Fermions    [PDF]

χQCD Collaboration: M. Gong, A. Li, A. Alexandru, T. Draper, K. F. Liu

1204.0716 (G. Burgio et al.)

Running mass, effective energy and confinement: the lattice quark
propagator in Coulomb gauge

G. Burgio, M. Schröck, H. Reinhardt, M. Quandt