Monday, April 30, 2012

1112.1855 (Simon Catterall et al.)

Non-abelian gauged NJL models on the lattice    [PDF]

Simon Catterall, Richard Galvez, Jay Hubisz, Dhagash Mehta, Aarti Veernala

1202.1491 (N. Vandersickel et al.)

The Gribov problem and QCD dynamics    [PDF]

N. Vandersickel, Daniel Zwanziger

1204.6074 (Ydalia Delgado Mercado et al.)

Monte Carlo simulation of the SU(3) spin model with chemical potential
in a flux representation

Ydalia Delgado Mercado, Christof Gattringer

1204.6112 (Paolo Cea et al.)

Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Planar QED in External Magnetic Fields    [PDF]

Paolo Cea, Leonardo Cosmai, Pietro Giudice, Alessandro Papa

1204.6165 (T R Govindarajan et al.)

Phase structures in fuzzy geometries    [PDF]

T R Govindarajan, S. Digal, K. S. Gupta, X. Martin

1204.6182 (Michael G. Endres)

Lattice theory for nonrelativistic fermions in one spatial dimension    [PDF]

Michael G. Endres

1204.6184 (Sz. Borsanyi et al.)

Precision SU(3) lattice thermodynamics for a large temperature range    [PDF]

Sz. Borsanyi, G. Endrodi, Z. Fodor, S. D. Katz, K. K. Szabo

1204.6192 (Taras Yavors'kii et al.)

Optimized GPU simulation of continuous-spin glass models    [PDF]

Taras Yavors'kii, Martin Weigel

1204.6193 (Markus Manssen et al.)

Random number generators for massively parallel simulations on GPU    [PDF]

Markus Manssen, Martin Weigel, Alexander K. Hartmann

1204.6251 (M. Hoferichter et al.)

Dispersive analysis of the scalar form factor of the nucleon    [PDF]

M. Hoferichter, C. Ditsche, B. Kubis, U. -G. Meißner

1204.6256 (M. Lujan et al.)

The $Δ_{mix}$ parameter in the overlap on domain-wall mixed action    [PDF]

M. Lujan, A. Alexandru, T. Draper, W. Freeman, M. Gong, F. X. Lee, A. Li, K. F. Liu, N. Mathur

1204.6259 (Jacques Bloch et al.)

Level spacings for weakly asymmetric real random matrices and
application to two-color QCD with chemical potential

Jacques Bloch, Falk Bruckmann, Nils Meyer, Sebastian Schierenberg