Friday, August 3, 2012

1208.0012 (Tigran Kalaydzhyan)

Chiral superfluidity of the quark-gluon plasma    [PDF]

Tigran Kalaydzhyan

1208.0166 (André Amado et al.)

Study of compact U(1) flux tubes in 3+1 dimensions in lattice gauge
theory using GPU's

André Amado, Nuno Cardoso, Marco Cardoso, Pedro Bicudo

1208.0189 (Michele Della Morte et al.)

Improved interpolating fields for hadrons at non-zero momentum    [PDF]

Michele Della Morte, Benjamin Jaeger, Thomas Rae, Hartmut Wittig

1208.0343 (Bela Bauer et al.)

Strong finite-size corrections for lattice fermions at a supersymmetric
multicritical point

Bela Bauer, Liza Huijse, Erez Berg, Matthias Troyer, Kareljan Schoutens

1208.0375 (Takahiro Sasaki et al.)

A practical solution to the sign problem at finite theta-vacuum angle    [PDF]

Takahiro Sasaki, Hiroaki Kouno, Masanobu Yahiro

1208.0498 (Gilberto Colangelo et al.)

On the factorization of chiral logarithms in the pion form factors    [PDF]

Gilberto Colangelo, Massimiliano Procura, Lorena Rothen, Ramon Stucki, Jaume Tarrus

1208.0534 (Federico Mescia et al.)

Natural SUSY and Kaon Mixing in view of recent results from Lattice QCD    [PDF]

Federico Mescia, Javier Virto

1208.0574 (Leticia F. Palhares)

Exploring the different phase diagrams of Strong Interactions    [PDF]

Leticia F. Palhares