Wednesday, November 21, 2012

1004.0166 (N. Cardoso et al.)

SU(3) gauge invariant lattice QCD exploration of the dual superconductor
picture in flux tube fusion, in the dual gluon mass, and in the dual
Ginzburg-Landau parameters

N. Cardoso, M. Cardoso, P. Bicudo
The colour fields, created by a static gluon-quark-antiquark system, are computed in quenched SU(3) lattice QCD, in a $24^3\times 48$ lattice at $\beta=6.2$ and $a=0.07261(85)\,fm$. We compute the hybrid Wilson Loop including the cases when the gluon and the antiquark are superposed, i. e., the quark-antiquark case and when the quark and antiquark are superposed, i. e., the gluon-gluon case. The Casimir scaling is investigated, in the two gluon glueball case the Casimir scaling is consistent with the formation of an adjoint string. Measuring the decay of the tail in the mid section of the flux tube for the two gluon glueball and for the quark-antiquark meson, we determine the penetration length and present a gauge invariant effective dual gluon mass of $0.905\pm0.163\,\text{GeV}$. We also try to determine the coherence length comparing our results with the dual Ginzburg-Landau approach. With the penetration length and the possible coherence length we determine a putative Ginzburg-Landau dimensionless parameter, which is possibly consistent with a type II superconductor picture. These results are obtained at fixed quark-antiquark distance of 0.58 fm.
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