Tuesday, October 30, 2012

1210.7247 (Liam Keegan)

Mass Anomalous Dimension at Large N    [PDF]

Liam Keegan

1210.7250 (Amy N. Nicholson et al.)

Elucidating the sign problem through noise distributions    [PDF]

Amy N. Nicholson, Dorota Grabowska, David B. Kaplan

1210.7266 (Christopher Monahan)

The Beauty of Lattice Perturbation Theory: The Role of Lattice
Perturbation Theory in B Physics

Christopher Monahan

1210.7398 (T. Boku et al.)

Multi-block/multi-core SSOR preconditioner for the QCD quark solver for
K computer

T. Boku, K. -I. Ishikawa, Y. Kuramashi, K. Minami, Y. Nakamura, F. Shoji, D. Takahashi, M. Terai, A. Ukawa, T. Yoshie

1210.7455 (Francesco Giacosa et al.)

Pressure of the O(N) Model in 1+1 Dimensions    [PDF]

Francesco Giacosa, Stefano Lottini, Elina Seel, Dominik Smith

1210.7465 (G. Ramalho et al.)

Covariant spectator quark model description of the $γ^\ast Λ
\to Σ^0$ transition

G. Ramalho, K. Tsushima

1210.7484 (Robert Lohmayer et al.)

Large-N string tension from rectangular Wilson loops    [PDF]

Robert Lohmayer, Herbert Neuberger

1210.7565 (Takahiro Sasaki et al.)

Model approach to the sign problem on lattice QCD with theta vacuum    [PDF]

Takahiro Sasaki, Junichi Takahashi, Yuji Sakai, Hiroaki Kouno, Masanobu Yahiro

1210.7586 (Seyong Kim et al.)

Two topics from lattice NRQCD at non-zero temperature: heavy quark mass
dependence and S-wave bottomonium states moving in a thermal bath

Seyong Kim, Gert Aarts, Chris Allton, Maria Paola Lombardo, Mehmet B. Oktay, Sinead M. Ryan, Donald K. Sinclair, Jon-Ivar Skullerud

1210.7611 (Christopher Aubin et al.)

Pade approximants and g-2 for the muon    [PDF]

Christopher Aubin, Thomas Blum, Maarten Golterman, Santiago Peris

1210.7737 (M. Constantinou et al.)

Perturbative subtraction of lattice artifacts in the computation of
renormalization constants

M. Constantinou, M. Costa, M. Gockeler, R. Horsley, H. Panagopoulos, H. Perlt, P. E. L. Rakow, G. Schierholz, A. Schiller

1210.7754 (Jon A. Bailey et al.)

Chiral extrapolation of matrix elements of BSM kaon operators    [PDF]

Jon A. Bailey, Hyung-Jin Kim, Weonjong Lee, Stephen R. Sharpe

1210.7767 (Georg Bergner et al.)

The gluino-glue particle and relevant scales for the simulations of
supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory

Georg Bergner, Istvan Montvay, Gernot Münster, Dirk Sandbrink, Umut D. Özugurel

1210.7777 (Andre Walker-Loud et al.)

Cottingham formula for the electromagnetic self-energy contribution to
M_p - M_n

Andre Walker-Loud, Carl E. Carlson, Gerald A. Miller

1210.7791 (Peter Orland)

Exact Correlators in the 't Hooft Limit of the Principal Chiral Model    [PDF]

Peter Orland

1210.7794 (O. Oliveira et al.)

Glueball spectral densities from the lattice    [PDF]

O. Oliveira, D. Dudal, P. J. Silva