Wednesday, August 22, 2012

1208.4185 (JLQCD Collaboration et al.)

Nucleon strange quark content from N_f=2+1 lattice QCD with exact chiral

JLQCD Collaboration, H. Ohki, K. Takeda, S. Aoki, S. Hashimoto, T. Kaneko, H. Matsufuru, J. Noaki, T. Onogi

1208.4235 (Abhishek Chowdhury et al.)

Topological charge density correlator in Lattice QCD with two flavours
of unimproved Wilson fermions

Abhishek Chowdhury, Asit K. De, A. Harindranath, Jyotirmoy Maiti, Santanu Mondal

1208.4262 (E. H Saidi et al.)

Topological Aspects of Fermions on Hyperdiamond    [PDF]

E. H Saidi, O. Fassi-Fehri, M. Bousmina

1208.4299 (Erez Zohar et al.)

Simulating 2+1d Lattice QED with dynamical matter using ultracold atoms    [PDF]

Erez Zohar, J. Ignacio Cirac, Benni Reznik

1208.4349 (Thomas Blum et al.)

A new class of variance reduction techniques using lattice symmetries    [PDF]

Thomas Blum, Taku Izubuchi, Eigo Shintani