Tuesday, February 19, 2013

1302.4018 (Andreas Stathopoulos et al.)

Hierarchical probing for estimating the trace of the matrix inverse on
toroidal lattices

Andreas Stathopoulos, Jesse Laeuchli, Kostas Orginos

1302.4065 (Michael Döring et al.)

Finite volume effects and quark mass dependence of the N(1535) and

Michael Döring, Maxim Mai, Ulf-G. Meißner

1302.4077 (A. M. Abdel-Rehim et al.)

Extending the eigCG algorithm to nonsymmetric Lanczos for linear systems
with multiple right-hand sides

A. M. Abdel-Rehim, Andreas Stathopoulos, Kostas Orginos

1302.4152 (Benjamin J. Menadue et al.)

Correlation Matrix Techniques at Non-Zero Momentum    [PDF]

Benjamin J. Menadue, Waseem Kamleh, Derek B. Leinweber, M. Selim Mahbub, Benjamin J. Owen

1302.4158 (Gautam Rupak et al.)

Radiative capture reactions in lattice effective field theory    [PDF]

Gautam Rupak, Dean Lee

1302.4410 (C. Alexandrou et al.)

Nucleon Excited States in N$_f$=2 lattice QCD    [PDF]

C. Alexandrou, T. Korzec, G. Koutsou, T. Leontiou