Tuesday, November 13, 2012

1211.2591 (H. Ohno et al.)

U_A(1) breaking at finite temperature from the Dirac spectrum with the
dynamical HISQ action

H. Ohno, U. M. Heller, F. Karsch, S. Mukherjee
We investigate $U_A(1)$ breaking above $T_c$ in terms of the Dirac spectrum on configurations with (2+1)-flavors, using the HISQ action. The strange quark mass is at its physical value. We use several light quark masses corresponding to the Goldstone pion masses in the range of about 115 -- 230 MeV on lattices of size 32$^3 \times$8 and 48$^3 \times$8. We calculate the 100 lowest-lying Dirac eigenvalues at temperatures below and above $T_c$. We investigate the volume dependence of the Dirac eigenvalue density to determine whether there is a gap around zero, which can appear if $U_A(1)$ symmetry is restored in the chiral symmetric phase. We also investigate the quark mass dependence of the Dirac eigenvalue density at zero and check whether there is a linear behavior that would signal the $U_A(1)$ breaking above $T_c$.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1211.2591

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