Thursday, May 17, 2012

1201.2665 (Ariel R. Zhitnitsky)

Local P Violation Effects and Thermalization in QCD: Views from Quantum
Field Theory and Holography

Ariel R. Zhitnitsky

1205.3526 (Michael Cheng et al.)

The finite temperature phase transition from domain wall fermions    [PDF]

Michael Cheng, for the HotQCD Collaboration

1205.3535 (HotQCD Collaboration et al.)

The chiral transition and U(1)_A symmetry restoration from lattice QCD
using Domain Wall Fermions

HotQCD Collaboration, A. Bazavov, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Michael I. Buchoff, Michael Cheng, N. H. Christ, H. -T. Ding, Rajan Gupta, Prasad Hegde, Chulwoo Jung, F. Karsch, Zhongjie Lin, R. D. Mawhinney, Swagato Mukherjee, P. Petreczky, R. A. Soltz, P. M. Vranas, Hantao Yin

1205.3582 (M. Albaladejo et al.)

Finite volume treatment of pi pi scattering and limits to phase shifts
extraction from lattice QCD

M. Albaladejo, J. A. Oller, E. Oset, G. Rios, L. Roca

1205.3695 (Christopher Aubin et al.)

Model-independent parametrization of the hadronic vacuum polarization
and g-2 for the muon on the lattice

Christopher Aubin, Thomas Blum, Maarten Golterman, Santiago Peris