Wednesday, February 8, 2012

1105.3720 (E. T. Tomboulis)

Fermion condensates and Lorentz symmetry breaking in strongly-coupled
large N gauge theories

E. T. Tomboulis

1202.1297 (Thomas A. Ryttov et al.)

Comparison of Some Exact and Perturbative Results for a Supersymmetric
SU($N_c$) Gauge Theory

Thomas A. Ryttov, Robert Shrock

1202.1312 (Stefan Meinel)

Excited-state spectroscopy of triply-bottom baryons from lattice QCD    [PDF]

Stefan Meinel

1202.1320 (Rajan Gupta et al.)

Probing TeV scale physics via ultra cold neutron decays and calculating
non-standard baryon matrix elements

Rajan Gupta, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Anosh Joseph, Huey-Wen Lin, Saul D. Cohen

1202.1477 (Sam R. Edwards et al.)

Fractional electric charge and quark confinement    [PDF]

Sam R. Edwards, André Sternbeck, Lorenz von Smekal

1202.1480 (Simon Dinter et al.)

Sigma terms and strangeness content of the nucleon with $N_f=2+1+1$
twisted mass fermions

Simon Dinter, Vincent Drach, Roberto Frezzotti, Gregorio Herdoiza, Karl Jansen, Giancarlo Rossi