Friday, April 5, 2013

1304.1277 (Roman Höllwieser et al.)

Center Vortices and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in SU(2) Lattice Gauge

Roman Höllwieser, Thomas Schweigler, Manfried Faber, Urs M. Heller

1304.1194 (M. Gong et al.)

Strangeness and charmness content of nucleon from overlap fermions on
2+1-flavor domain-wall fermion configurations

M. Gong, A. Alexandru, Y. Chen, T. Doi, S. J. Dong, T. Draper, W. Freeman, M. Glatzmaier, A. Li, K. F. Liu, Z. Liu

1304.1265 (Seung-il Nam)

QCD magnetic susceptibility at finite temperature beyond the chiral

Seung-il Nam

1304.1323 (Zhao Liu et al.)

Bulk-edge correspondence in fractional Chern insulators    [PDF]

Zhao Liu, D. L. Kovrizhin, Emil J. Bergholtz

1304.1416 (Andre Sternbeck et al.)

Another look at the Landau-gauge gluon and ghost propagators at low

Andre Sternbeck, Michael Müller-Preussker

1304.1439 (Miguel Albaladejo et al.)

Hidden charm molecules in finite volume    [PDF]

Miguel Albaladejo, Carlos Hidalgo-Duque, Juan Nieves, Eulogio Oset