Wednesday, April 3, 2013

1304.0287 (Seung-il Nam et al.)

Shear viscosity of quark matter at finite temperature in magnetic fields    [PDF]

Seung-il Nam, Chung-Wen Kao

1304.0306 (Antonio González-Arroyo et al.)

Twisted reduction in large $N$ QCD with adjoint Wilson fermions    [PDF]

Antonio González-Arroyo, Masanori Okawa

1304.0312 (Xiao-Yong Jin et al.)

Lattice QCD with 12 Quark Flavors: A Careful Scrutiny    [PDF]

Xiao-Yong Jin, Robert D. Mawhinney

1304.0325 (Dale S. Roberts et al.)

Wave Function of the Roper from Lattice QCD    [PDF]

Dale S. Roberts, Waseem Kamleh, Derek B. Leinweber

1304.0365 (Yu. A. Simonov)

Spin interactions in mesons in strong magnetic field    [PDF]

Yu. A. Simonov

1304.0483 (L. Alvarez-Ruso et al.)

The nucleon mass and pion-nucleon sigma term from a chiral analysis of
lattice QCD world data

L. Alvarez-Ruso, T. Ledwig, J. Martin Camalich, M. J. Vicente-Vacas

1304.0533 (Hiroshi Suzuki)

Energy-momentum tensor from the Yang--Mills gradient flow    [PDF]

Hiroshi Suzuki