Sunday, August 4, 2013

1308.0233 (Abhishek Mukherjee et al.)

Metropolis Monte Carlo on the Lefschetz thimble: application to a
one-plaquette model

Abhishek Mukherjee, Marco Cristoforetti, Luigi Scorzato
We propose a new algorithm based on the Metropolis sampling method to perform Monte Carlo integration for path integrals in the recently proposed formulation of quantum field theories on the Lefschetz thimble. The algorithm is based on a mapping between the curved manifold defined by the Lefschetz thimble of the full action and the flat manifold associated with the corresponding quadratic action. We discuss an explicit method to calculate the residual phase due to the curvature of the Lefschetz thimble. Finally, we apply this new algorithm to a simple one-plaquette model where our results are in perfect agreement with the analytic integration. We also show that for this system the residual phase does not represent a sign problem.
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