Axel Maas, Lorenz von Smekal, Björn Wellegehausen, Andreas Wipf
The fermion-sign problem at finite density is a persisting challenge for Monte-Carlo simulations. Theories that do not have a sign problem can provide valuable guidance and insight for physically more relevant ones that do. Replacing the gauge group SU(3) of QCD by the exceptional group G2, for example, leads to such a theory. It has mesons as well as bosonic and fermionic baryons, and shares many features with QCD. This makes the G2 gauge theory ideally suited to study general properties of dense, strongly-interacting matter, including baryonic and nuclear Fermi pressure effects as relevant in compact stars and heavy-ion collisions. We present the first lattice simulations of the phase diagram of this theory at finite temperature and baryon chemical potential.
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