Tuesday, March 27, 2012

1111.4104 (Tuomas Karavirta et al.)

Determining the conformal window: SU(2) gauge theory with N_f = 4, 6 and
10 fermion flavours

Tuomas Karavirta, Jarno Rantaharju, Kari Rummukainen, Kimmo Tuominen
We study the evolution of the coupling in SU(2) gauge field theory with $N_f=4$, 6 and 10 fundamental fermion flavours on the lattice. These values are chosen close to the expected edges of the conformal window, where the theory possesses an infrared fixed point. We use improved Wilson-clover action, and measure the coupling in the Schr\"odinger functional scheme. At four flavours we observe that the couping grows towards the infrared, implying QCD-like behaviour, whereas at ten flavours the results are compatible with a Banks-Zaks type infrared fixed point. The six flavour case remains inconclusive: the evolution of the coupling is seen to become slower at the infrared, but the accuracy of the results falls short from fully resolving the fate of the coupling. We also measure the mass anomalous dimension for the $N_f=6$ case.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1111.4104

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