Tuesday, February 5, 2013

1302.0675 (Bastian B. Brandt et al.)

Two-flavour lattice QCD correlation functions in the deconfinement
transition region

Bastian B. Brandt, Anthony Francis, Harvey B. Meyer, Hartmut Wittig
We report on a lattice QCD calculation with two dynamical flavors of the isovector vector correlator in the high-temperature phase. We analyze the correlator in terms of the associated spectral function by performing a fit for the difference of the thermal and vacuum spectral functions, using also an exact sum rule that constrains this difference. Additonally we carry out a direct fit for the thermal spectral function, and obtain good agreement between the two analyses for frequencies below the two-pion threshold. Under the assumption that the spectral function is smooth in that region, we give an estimate of the electrical conductivity.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1302.0675

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