Friday, February 1, 2013

1301.7557 (Enno E. Scholz et al.)

Determination of SU(2) ChPT LECs from 2+1 flavor staggered lattice

Enno E. Scholz, Szabolcs Borsanyi, Stephan Durr, Zoltan Fodor, Stefan Krieg, Andreas Schafer, Kalman K. Szabo
By fitting pion masses and decay constants from 2+1 flavor staggered lattice simulations to the predictions of NLO and NNLO SU(2) chiral perturbation theory we determine the low-energy constants l_3 and l_4. The lattice ensembles were generated by the Wuppertal-Budapest collaboration and cover pion masses in the range of 135 to 435 MeV and lattice scales between 0.7 and 2.0 GeV. By choosing a suitable scaling trajectory, we were able to demonstrate that precise and stable results for the LECs can be obtained from continuum ChPT to NLO. The pion masses available in this work also allow us to study the applicability of using ChPT to extrapolate from higher masses to the physical pion mass.
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