Monday, January 30, 2012

1201.5624 (Edward Shuryak et al.)

The Chiral Symmetry Breaking/Restoration in Dyonic Vacuum    [PDF]

Edward Shuryak, Tin Sulejmanpasic
We discuss the topological phenomena in the QCD-like theories with variable
number of fundamental $N_f$ or adjoint $N_a$ fermions, focusing on the
temperatures at or above the critical value $T_c$ of chiral symmetry
restoration. Nonzero average of the Polyakov line, or holonomy, splits
instantons into (anti)selfdual dyons, and we study both bosonic and fermionic
interactions between them. The high temperature phase is a dilute gas of
"molecules" made of $2N_c$ dyons, neutral in topological, electric and magnetic
charges. At intermediate temperatures the diluteness reaches some critical
level at which chiral symmetry gets restored: we explain why it is very
different for the fundamental and adjoint fermions. At high density the
ensemble is a strongly coupled liquid with crystal-like short range order: we
speculate about its structure at small and large $N_f$. We finally explaine
certain lattice observations and suggest a number of further lattice tests.
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