Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1110.5975 (Ziwen Fu)

The preliminary lattice QCD calculation of $κ$ meson decay width    [PDF]

Ziwen Fu
We present a direct lattice QCD calculation of the $\kappa$ meson decay width with the s-wave scattering phase shift for the isospin $I=1/2$ pion-kaon ($\pi K$) system. We employ a special finite size formula, which is the extension of the Rummukainen-Gottlieb formula for the $\pi K$ system in the moving frame, to calculate the scattering phase, which indicates a resonance around $\kappa$ meson mass. Through the effective range formula, we extract the effective $\kappa \to \pi K$ coupling constant $g_{\kappa \pi K} = 4.54(76)$ GeV and decay width $\Gamma = 293 \pm 101$ MeV. Our simulations are done with the MILC gauge configurations with $N_f=2+1$ flavors of the "Asqtad" improved staggered dynamical sea quarks on a $16^3\times48$ lattice at $(m_\pi + m_K) / m_\kappa \approx 0.8$ and lattice spacing $a \approx 0.15$ fm.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1110.5975

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