Monday, August 20, 2012

1208.3592 (Fabio Siringo)

Incorporating fermions in the Gaussian Effective Potential: the
Higgs-Top Sector

Fabio Siringo
The Higgs-Top model is studied by a non-perturbative variational extension of the Gaussian Effective Potential that incorporates fermions. In the limit of a very strong Yukawa coupling the one-loop result is shown to follow a single-parameter scaling while the gaussian fluctuations give rise to important deviations from scaling and to a reduction of the vev and of the top mass. A good general agreement is found with lattice data when a comparison can be made. Analytical results are provided for few observables like the renormalized mass of the Higgs boson and its wave function renormalization constant. Extensions to gauge theories like QCD are briefly discussed.
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