Tuesday, June 26, 2012

1206.5607 (O. Borisenko et al.)

Phase transitions in strongly coupled 3d Z(N) lattice gauge theories at
finite temperature

O. Borisenko, V. Chelnokov, G. Cortese, R. Fiore, M. Gravina, A. Papa, I. Surzhikov
We perform an analytical and numerical study of the phase transitions in three-dimensional Z(N) lattice gauge theories at finite temperature for N>4. In the strong coupling limit these models are equivalent to a generalized version of the vector Potts models in two dimensions, where Polyakov loops play the role of Z(N) spins. The effective couplings of these two-dimensional spin models are calculated explicitly. It is argued that the effective spin models have two phase transitions of BKT type. This is confirmed by large-scale Monte Carlo simulations. Using a cluster algorithm we locate the position of the critical points and study the critical behavior across both phase transitions in details. In particular, we determine various critical indices, compute the helicity modulus, the average action and the specific heat. A scaling formula for the critical points with N is proposed.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1206.5607

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