Monday, June 25, 2012

1206.5214 (Richard C. Brower et al.)

The Möbius Domain Wall Fermion Algorithm    [PDF]

Richard C. Brower, Harmut Neff, Kostas Orginos
We present a review of the properties of generalized domain wall Fermions, based on a (real) M\"obius transformation on the Wilson overlap kernel, discussing their algorithmic efficiency, the degree of explicit chiral violations measured by the residual mass ($m_{res}$) and the Ward-Takahashi identities. The M\"obius class interpolates between Shamir's domain wall operator and Bori\c{c}i's domain wall implementation of Neuberger's overlap operator without increasing the number of Dirac applications per conjugate gradient iteration. A new scaling parameter ($\alpha$) reduces chiral violations at finite fifth dimension ($L_s$) but yields exactly the same overlap action in the limit $L_s \rightarrow \infty$. Through the use of 4d Red/Black preconditioning and optimal tuning for the scaling $\alpha(L_s)$, we show that chiral symmetry violations are typically reduced by an order of magnitude at fixed $L_s$. At large $L_s$ we argue that the observed scaling for $m_{res} = O(1/L_s)$ for Shamir is replaced by $m_{res} = O(1/L_s^2)$ for the properly tuned M\"obius algorithm with $\alpha = O(L_s)$
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