Monday, March 12, 2012

1110.3152 (Kohtaroh Miura et al.)

Chiral phase transition at finite temperature and conformal dynamics in
large Nf QCD

Kohtaroh Miura, Maria Paola Lombardo, Elisabetta Pallante
We investigate the chiral phase transition at finite temperature (T) in colour SU(Nc=3) Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) with six species of fermions (Nf=6) in the fundamental representation by using lattice QCD with improved staggered fermions. By considering lattices with several temporal extensions Nt, we observe asymptotic scaling for Nt > 4. We then extract the dimensionless ratio Tc/Lambda_L (Lambda_L = Lattice Lambda-parameter) for Nf = 6 and Nf = 8, the latter relying on our earlier results. Further, we collect the critical couplings beta^c for the chiral phase transition at Nf = 0 (quenched), and Nf = 4 at a fixed Nt = 6. The results are consistent with enhanced fermionic screening at larger Nf. The Tc/Lambda_L depends very mildly on Nf in the Nf = 0 - 4 region, starts increasing at Nf = 6, and becomes significantly larger at Nf = 8, close to the edge of the conformal window. We discuss interpretations of these results as well as their possible interrelation with preconformal dynamics in the light of a functional renormalization group analysis.
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