Tuesday, January 31, 2012

1111.2751 (J. Berges et al.)

Out of equilibrium dynamics of coherent non-abelian gauge fields    [PDF]

J. Berges, S. Scheffler, S. Schlichting, D. Sexty

1112.3604 (O. Borisenko et al.)

The phase transitions in 2D Z(N) vector models for N>4    [PDF]

O. Borisenko, V. Chelnokov, G. Cortese, R. Fiore, M. Gravina, A. Papa

1112.4384 (Eric B. Gregory et al.)

A study of the eta and eta' mesons with improved staggered fermions    [PDF]

Eric B. Gregory, Alan C. Irving, Christopher M. Richards, Craig McNeile

1201.4558 (Vahid Karimipour et al.)

Completeness of classical $φ^4$ theory on 2D lattices    [PDF]

Vahid Karimipour, Mohammad Hossein Zarei

1201.4720 (P. M. Lavrov et al.)

Soft breaking of BRST symmetry and gauge dependence    [PDF]

P. M. Lavrov, O. V. Radchenko, A. A. Reshetnyak

1201.6086 (Attilio Cucchieri et al.)

Electric and Magnetic Screening Masses around the Deconfinement

Attilio Cucchieri, Tereza Mendes

1201.6114 (J. M. M. Hall et al.)

Chiral extrapolations for nucleon magnetic moments    [PDF]

J. M. M. Hall, D. B. Leinweber, R. D. Young

1201.6139 (Jacqueline A. Bonnet et al.)

Critical scaling of finite temperature QED_3 in anisotropic space-time    [PDF]

Jacqueline A. Bonnet, Christian S. Fischer

1201.6175 (Marco Frasca)

Parameters of NJL models for a generic representation of the gauge group    [PDF]

Marco Frasca

1201.6206 (A. Ohnishi et al.)

QCD critical point in the strong coupling lattice QCD and during black
hole formation

A. Ohnishi, K. Miura, T. Z. Nakano, N. Kawamoto, H. Ueda, M. Ruggieri, K. Sumiyoshi

1201.6262 (Joel Giedt et al.)

Finite size scaling in minimal walking technicolor    [PDF]

Joel Giedt, Evan Weinberg

1201.6267 (Marco Cardoso et al.)

Tetraquark and the flux tube recombination    [PDF]

Marco Cardoso, Pedro Bicudo, Nuno Cardoso

1201.6335 (Wolfgang Bietenholz et al.)

Topological Summation in Lattice Gauge Theory    [PDF]

Wolfgang Bietenholz, Ivan Hip

Monday, January 30, 2012

1104.5484 (Laurent Lellouch)

Flavor physics and lattice quantum chromodynamics    [PDF]

Laurent Lellouch

1107.1930 (Christopher E. Thomas et al.)

Helicity operators for mesons in flight on the lattice    [PDF]

Christopher E. Thomas, Robert G. Edwards, Jozef J. Dudek

1110.1231 (Tatsuhiro Misumi et al.)

Aoki Phases in Staggered-Wilson Fermions    [PDF]

Tatsuhiro Misumi, Michael Creutz, Taro Kimura, Takashi Z. Nakano, Akira Ohnishi

1110.5829 (B. Blossier et al.)

Ghost-gluon coupling, power corrections and $Λ_{\bar{\rm MS}}$
from lattice QCD with a dynamical charm

B. Blossier, Ph. Boucaud, M. Brinet, F. De Soto, X. Du, M. Gravina, V. Morenas, O. Pène, K. Petrov, J. Rodríguez-Quintero

1201.4039 (Damir Becirevic et al.)

D-meson decay constants and a check of factorization in non-leptonic

Damir Becirevic, Vittorio Lubicz, Francesco Sanfilippo, Silvano Simula, Cecilia Tarantino

1201.5345 (Alexei Bazavov et al.)

Chiral transition temperature and aspects of deconfinement in 2+1 flavor
QCD with the HISQ/tree action

Alexei Bazavov, for HotQCD collaboration

1201.5372 (Nikos Irges)

Lattice Gauge Theory - Gravity duality and Coulomb's constant in five

Nikos Irges

1201.5624 (Edward Shuryak et al.)

The Chiral Symmetry Breaking/Restoration in Dyonic Vacuum    [PDF]

Edward Shuryak, Tin Sulejmanpasic

1201.5710 (Y. Meurice et al.)

Comparison of Improved Perturbative Methods    [PDF]

Y. Meurice, Haiyuan Zou

1201.5770 (B. Blossier et al.)

The strong running coupling at $τ$ and $Z_0$ mass scales from lattice

B. Blossier, Ph. Boucaud, M. Brinet, F. De Soto, X. Du, V. Morenas, O. Pène, K. Petrov, J. Rodríguez-Quintero

1201.5814 (L. Ya. Glozman et al.)

How Chiral Symmetry Breaking Affects the Spectrum of the Light-Heavy
Mesons in the 't Hooft Model

L. Ya. Glozman, V. K. Sazonov, M. Shifman, R. F. Wagenbrunn